hot take

honturee October 10, 2024 7:43 am

parents who are planning to adopt shouldn't be allowed to separate siblings

    DepressedMimi_ROO October 13, 2024 1:06 pm

    Well tbf they were babies. It's not like they remembered each other anyways. And if Namsoo hadn't found out about Hyeongoh he probably would've either never met or met later in life as adults which would be a different approach than this story. I think you shouldn't separate siblings that are old enough to have a sense of awareness and that rely on each other. But in Hyeongoh and Namsoo's case, they were practically newborn babies. You can argue they had some kind of a bond or whatever but both of them never thought about the other throughout their lives as they didn't know the other existed and at least in Hyeongoh's case was perfectly fine. Namsoo would've also probably been perfectly fine if he had lived a happier life if not for the unfortunate circumstances that happened to his adoptive family.

    Also, if there was a rule that people couldn't adopt siblings separately, do you realize how many kids would never get adopted at all because not everyone can afford multiple children?

    Dis~Ole~Blue~Dick❄ December 11, 2024 11:57 pm

    With Mimi on this.
    They were babies.
    Not only not all future parents are equipped(mentally, monetary, materially, knowledge, emotionally, etc) for disabled kids(which they will just end up not giving them the care and love they need & deserve if they adopt them anyway), but 2 kids at once when you are planning for one is a HUGE intricate responsibility.
    So many siblings would have never been adopted in good homes and be cared for if there was such a rule.
    It's sad, sure, but the World is an unfair place. Not everything is black and white.
    Also, I personally would rather not be adopted, if it meant my lovely sibling could have an happy life. I'm sure other kids may think that way.

    If they are older kids, tho...if they are separated and there is no arrangements made so they can see each other often and remain close...I'm a bit thorn on this one. It does appear unnecessary cruel to me.

    I'm old and don't have kids. But I do love them, and if I were to have one someday, I would adopt. And I would say that I wouldn't chose a kid BeCAusE thEY lOoK so PERfecTLy CutE!!! but because we are compatible. And if they DID have siblings, I would make sure that they can know they are related and see them as much as they want, if I couldn't afford both. But again, that's me. Everyone has their own circonstances, and between 2 orphans & 1 with a fulfilling family life...I think the second option is more suitable, even if unfair.