The dream were he thought he's teeth were taken off I was like:
"NO FUCKING WAY HE TOOK HIS TEETH OUT WHEN HE WAS ASLEEP LIKE NO. IM GOING TO DROP THIS IT GOT SO MUCH DARK AND WORST THE IT WAS" *read down more cause wants to skip that grosem thing sees it was a dream* "THANK THE LORDD, I WAS HAVING A HEART ATTACK OMGG WHEW" *Breath heavely and continue to read*
yall are so mean, the mc is doing his best in this horrible ass hell like situation and he's really strong for it. ml might seem nice in some parts, like giving him money and so on but he has raging mental health problems and is a complete sociopath, DID YALL FORGET ABT THE PART WHERE HE TRIED TO PULL OFF HIS TEETH AH HELL NAHHH