That kid look like jinwoo and that cross with circle isn't that symbol of the brilliant light does that mean that brilliant light is intarim, if that's true it will also mean that hunter association is already under they control because when jinwoo turn back time the guy with a fragments of brilliant light still have the memory
Who is jinwoo someone enlighten me I have read solo leveling more than 10times but I can't remember who jinwoo is ? Lovely Usagi
Hold on is everyone talking about sung jinwoo?? I thought people were talking about some different jinwoo cause some people were hating and I'm like who is this jinwoo
Hold on is everyone talking about sung jinwoo?? I thought people were talking about some different jinwoo cause some people were hating and I'm like who is this jinwoo Lovely Usagi
Yh Jinwoo is Sung Jinwoo everyone talking about the Itarim kid and how he resembles Jinwoo
That kid look like jinwoo and that cross with circle isn't that symbol of the brilliant light does that mean that brilliant light is intarim, if that's true it will also mean that hunter association is already under they control because when jinwoo turn back time the guy with a fragments of brilliant light still have the memory