What she gonna do next I wanna know and I also wanna hurry. Skip to the chapter that every...

Miyuumi October 9, 2024 2:31 pm

What she gonna do next I wanna know and I also wanna hurry. Skip to the chapter that everyone found out that she is his dad real daughter.

    Darkhikari October 13, 2024 11:36 pm

    Spoiler :

    Novel us unclear about this we can think she is his real daughter at 80% cause her mother died ( if she is ) died before giving birth and was buried with baby still in her....so maybe she is born inside then went out by herself but hum well it's unclear...( sorry maybe I said too much)....

    Dr-Erotica October 14, 2024 6:59 am
    Spoiler :Novel us unclear about this we can think she is his real daughter at 80% cause her mother died ( if she is ) died before giving birth and was buried with baby still in her....so maybe she is born insid... Darkhikari

    the dragon took her out and gave her to a sub family

    Miyuumi October 14, 2024 9:23 am
    the dragon took her out and gave her to a sub family Dr-Erotica

    And that family is real s*** they throw her away when she was just young but now when they know that she is a dragon they gonna claim their ownership ? What a real trash of bullsh***t . Just try to take her and see our daddy will smash your head and chop it in several piece.

    Darkhikari October 14, 2024 12:20 pm
    And that family is real s*** they throw her away when she was just young but now when they know that she is a dragon they gonna claim their ownership ? What a real trash of bullsh***t . Just try to take her and... Miyuumi

    The 1rst who will learn that is the false dad....2nd is her earth family....