
Naw fr, he has no right to be blaming his anger on MC, it's not her fault she was kidnapped!!!if you feel so salty about it then TALK TO YOUR DAD!! Like boo hoo cry me a river idc. Like you KNEW you would be replaced when they find the real daughter so why are you so fucking upset to the point of bullying her?! Like dude you know she was fucking abused, and a SLAVE at that so tf are you attacking her for!!
I dont like Ricardo like ok what?
U were adopted as a stand in heir in case the og heir the daughter kidnapped after birth was dead and now she is back of course she'd become the heir
we all know how much those nobles love blue blood and you dont even have the significant rose birthmark that the members of the Lindenberg ducal family have
so even if he did inherit the title im pretty sure the retainers would insist that gretas first born son would inherit the title next or if a member of the extend family was born with it he'd have to adopte that kid as heir like what??
"I should have known now that she is back fathers gonna change"
Yeah obviously you should have known that you are only here because she wasnt if nobody ever kidnapped her you wouldn't have gotten adopted to begin with
I know thats bitter but thats facts
Also reign in your jealousy she lived as a slave for 12 years and most definitely saw some other slaves get tortured to death and starved and what not like she wasnt raised with a gold spoon like you
I know he is most likely the ml but still