
Then what the hell are you doing here??? Isn't the cover photo enough of a clue of what's bound to happen??? Omg

then Makio is the best uke for u
in some points I agree with you, sometimes it feels like a shojo but with two mens, I don't dislike it, but I like much better a non feminine mens

the majority (including me) are here for hot stuff, but I can't stand hentai coz MOST of hentais, like porn, are made for mens and doesn't please female readers, so I come to yaoi searching for hot stuff that hentai can't afford.
if yaoi itself turns into "that" kind of hentai (giant d*cks and this kind of cliché ...) well it's a turn off.
Kuchizuke wa Uso no Aji is the right type for me
I dont find it attractive when men crossdress. Or if they look like women. Or behave like women. Or get treated like women. Because theyre not.
In a lot of yaoi, ukes are basically flat-chested women. I dont hate feminine men or anything, but i just dont find it sexy.
Apparently, not liking girly ukes = i must like bara