You rambled about how the synopsis mislead you and stated that if a character isn't mentioned there then they're not a main character "(in my mind, if a character isn’t specifically named in the synopsis, they’re not a main character)". I merely told you there were three main characters. This is a love triangle and the story is about all three.

Okay, thank you for perfectly restating everything I just said…
To clarify my point: TJ not being named (in my mind) makes him something of an important, but “secondary” character and the fact that he’s taking up more chapters than Jo x Ian, is my issue. My only references to love triangle plots are Lucky paradise and Love or Hate, where the other love interests are mentioned (in the summary and usually not named, or are) but don’t occupy as much space in the story as the other “main” pairing.
From the summary, I was expecting mostly Jo and Ian and this mysterious “lover” comes between them; however, it feels like Jo is coming in between TJ and Ian. I am not a fan of it, and feel mislead.
If you don’t agree, that’s absolutely fine! And if you’re up for it, we can chat, maybe you could shed some light on or open my mind to a different outlook, but if you’re commenting just being a smart ass (on something I’d specifically addressed) about my “rambling”, then I see absolutely no point in further engaging with you.

I didn't mean to sound like a smart ass, I apologize. The synopsis is translated poorly, in the KR ver all three are mentioned. The author has stated that all three are main characters whose growth and development is the focus of the story. They have also stated that there aren't any LT rules, meaning it's not a typical LT so to not be influenced by other LT stories.
This is the translation from Do7 "A man who lives for danger, a man who wants out of his dangerous existence, and a man who's jumped into someone else's life. Who will they choose in the end?" as you can see it's not just about who Ian chooses, but also about TJ and Jo and their individual stories, their choices and how that'll affect everyone around them. This is a heavy plot that was influenced by the noir genre and both the gang plot and Jo's story will eventually intertwine.

Wow. If I’d read that synopsis, I would have had a totally different understanding and expectation of the story—thank you for sharing and explaining. You definitely gave me a different perspective to think about.
This makes sense to me because all three are explicitly named (not literally) and it definitely gives equal weight to all three characters. The translated one only calls TJ a “lover” and seems to give his role a lot less significance than he really deserves in the story.
Unfortunately, though, now I have an endgame couple stuck in my head and I’m just being bratty about them not getting more chapters lol
I’m still going to take a break and maybe wait for the story to end before I pick it back up again, with this other synopsis in mind! I just can handle the wait between updates and the angst, goodness me, the angst—it’s too much
Is anybody else disappointed that the narrative is taking a different turn from the characters mentioned in the synopsis? I rarely read complex love triangle plots. The angst, the pain, it’s all just too much but this one is not like Lucky Paradise. Lucky paradise was a bittersweet and wonderful rollercoaster of a story BC it stuck to the narrative mentioned in the synopsis (which is what I was expecting). Wet sand just feels horrible. Don’t get me wrong, I think Tj is a very interesting and uniquely complex character but I just feel like he’s occupying more space in this plot than Jo (the main actually mentioned in the synopsis). My disappointment lies within the feeling that I’ve been mislead based on the synopsis (in my mind, if a character isn’t specifically named in the synopsis, they’re not a main character). I’m expecting more Jo/Ian not mostly Ian/TJ. And the sex scenes, while hot asf, it’s too much. I want more plot and far less sex scenes.