
yup! its near the end of part 1 and very sweet. For the angst, I'd say it's pretty depressing right near the end due to Eui-jae having to confront his failures in the past and what not and with how part 1 ended, part 2 seems to be much more angsty than the first. This is not like profundis though absolutely no SA or torture, just more character struggles than anything, still sad as shit imo, gets very sacrifice-y.
This is my spoiler review after reading the first part of the novel. READ THE NOVEL, GO GO READ IT IT'S ON NOVELUPDATES Let me just say, the tension, the energy, the angst all serve to its fullest. I think the comparisons to Mission Save the Hunter are valid bc they do have very similar presentations, but the way they present their angst are vastly different (though both incredibly good). MSTH is more straight up with the angst but for THWTLQ it's a slow build until it peaks near the end of part one (though i still havent finished reading either lolol) I still have to see how they explore this in the second part, but I'm sooo excited to keep reading.
To the actual spoilers, they literally are soulmates. The beginning is soooo decieving, it's so light hearted and funny but the more you read you realize how tragic everything really is. Eui-jae has no place in this new world and is kind of drifting/avoidant of everything and it gets more relevant as the novel goes on until he re-finds that spark to keep saving people and Sa-young's existence... ugh don't get me started.
Eui-jae is inherently a kind person and self-sacrificing and when the world was in chaos in the beginning, he did his duty without an anchor to this world. His anchor became a boy who he saves. They become each other's light and it makes me sick oh my god. I'll leave it at that but seeing how it develops literally makes me crash out.
They die for each other and possibly turn back time so they can save the other, I'm not joking that this story has a lot of ORV-esque elements. The plot twists are fucking crazy, I thought I could predict what was going to happen but I really couldn't. Revealing that there were more than one alternate reality and the fact Eui-jae turned back time to save them from doom? sick to my stomach. The ending of part 1.... Sayoung please wake up both me and Eui-jae can't handle this
Read the novel its peak(≧∀≦)