I don't really think it's like that. I think riftan is just very afraid of maxi getting hurt, because he has seen that she is a very fragile person. Of course we've seen that she's very strong willed, but that doesn't mean that she's suddenly not weak. Yes she learnt magic, but her physical composition is just weak itself. And I don't mean this in a condescending way at all! I just think, that all the people who are so triggered by riftan's behaviour should think from his perspective as well. Of course I was mad at him as well, but think about it. Is he really being an ass or is he just worried about his wife??

I only know Riftan is like that because of people who read the novel. They said that he's a bit obsessed with the idea of her nobility when tgey read his perspectiveand stuff. You can see it a bit if you reread with that in mind. That's what I was getting at. Sure he does worry for her safety, but if it was just that he wouldn't be so opposed to her learning magic which she was obviously passionate about.
That was actually cool she used fire magic.
This is stupid people need to stop blaming maxi for going on this mission when they had no choice but to take her. They needed a mage she was the only one available. Riftan needs to get with it and work with her not against her. I don't care for all the other comments about how he cares for her blah blah blah. This situation happened because of necessity that's it. She couldn't start small missions because they needed a mage for survival. The knights were the one who insisted she went because they needed a mage for healing and barriers spells.
Now let's hope he won't go on a I told you so lecture when they find her.