
Gin October 9, 2024 3:17 am

Conservative societies are so suffocating and draining

    Ace October 9, 2024 3:20 am

    But then non conservative people are identifying as literal animals and objects and are going insane defending Osama bin laden. Not defending any side here but each type of society has its pros and cons. So, there's that.

    Gin October 9, 2024 3:25 am
    But then non conservative people are identifying as literal animals and objects and are going insane defending Osama bin laden. Not defending any side here but each type of society has its pros and cons. So, th... Ace

    Honestly if people want to identify as animal while not causing any harm to others, I really couldn't care less

    Ace October 9, 2024 3:28 am
    Honestly if people want to identify as animal while not causing any harm to others, I really couldn't care less Gin

    Not how that works. You can't be a part of society and not care about what's going on. So..coz that kind of craziness affects and influences other people to go crazy and ruins societies. Let it be, we're clearly not on the same page here. Let this be

    Gin October 9, 2024 3:56 am
    Not how that works. You can't be a part of society and not care about what's going on. So..coz that kind of craziness affects and influences other people to go crazy and ruins societies. Let it be, we're clearl... Ace

    Clearly we aren't, I'd actually go out of my way to say that I support the people that you judged as crazy if what they're doing is making them happy and not harming anyone else

    Ace October 9, 2024 4:05 am
    Clearly we aren't, I'd actually go out of my way to say that I support the people that you judged as crazy if what they're doing is making them happy and not harming anyone else Gin

    It's literally an identity disorder. Showing your support by trying to enable mental issues instead of getting those people help doesn't make you the hero you think it does. Say, Drug addicts dont harm others a lot of times, so you're gonna let drug addicts be, just to show your support and be in good books? Homeless people don't hurt others, but then should we not strive to help solve homelessness? Teen pregnancies do not hurt other people, so we just let the teen pregnancy trend be, instead of counseling young girls? But you're clearly too immature here, to be making right decisions and making correct statements. Let's stop the discussion here.

    sabba October 9, 2024 4:28 am
    But then non conservative people are identifying as literal animals and objects and are going insane defending Osama bin laden. Not defending any side here but each type of society has its pros and cons. So, th... Ace

    Lmao it's not the "identifying as literal animals and objects and are going insane defending Osama bin laden" who are going around trying to pass bills that limit those people's freedom who they deem as "abnormal". And what you brought up as a counter (i presume) is extremely fringe minorities whose existense does not affect other people's lives on a massive scale whatsoever.

    And what comes to supporting bin laden. The people you are talking about here (not his actual supporters) are young people who saw his letter to america and thought he was kinda spitting while lacking the knowledge of what he has done and been part of, ie they don't know the history.

    Ace October 9, 2024 4:46 am
    Lmao it's not the "identifying as literal animals and objects and are going insane defending Osama bin laden" who are going around trying to pass bills that limit those people's freedom who they deem as "abnorm... sabba

    Its not tho. That's the thing. It's not a minority of people. It's a lots of people now. Non conservative society like ours has young kids getting pumped with hormone shots at very young age, as young as even 6 or 7. So idk what you think is NOT effecting people's lives here. Young kids who just want to wear whatever they want, are getting irreversible damages done to their body coz their guardians are the so called non conservative people coz these morons think, that just coz their young boy wants to play with a doll, he must want to be a girl too. So idk where you get your statistics from, but non conservative societies are getting plagued with stupidity. Almost to the point of no return. Also even 1 child getting damaged by stupidity is a loss for the society so don't you dare say it's a minority of people.
    And I'm not at all defending conservative societies either so chill out. They have their own set of problems. If you go to the orginal argument you will realise that i just mentioned things that were wrong with non conservative society too. I just mentioned each society has its pros and cons. That's all. Y'all wanna go at a length and deny crystal clear data and statistics to toot your own horn and look stupid in the process.
    Also let's end this discussion here, I will not be replying to anything from here. If you wanna understand, good, if not, kindly do not expect any more replies or explanations from me. I will not be seeing the replies to begin with. Thanku. Tc.

    Ana October 9, 2024 6:05 am
    Its not tho. That's the thing. It's not a minority of people. It's a lots of people now. Non conservative society like ours has young kids getting pumped with hormone shots at very young age, as young as even 6... Ace

    that's a bunch of lies and you know it. hormone shots at 7 8 is crazy. tired of y'all. trying to present yourselves as reasonable and middle of the road when the reality is you have a clear dislike towards certain people. lemme tell you something rn trans people aren't gonna disappear just because a society gets more hateful towards them. they very much still exist even in places like Russia. you'll never k them off even though I'm sure you fantasize about it. you make it so obvious by trying to mix people who apparently identify as "animals" or whatever with gender stuff. swhy you mentioned hormone s**t. you can identify as whatever the fuck you want but good luck getting surgery and medication to appear like a fucking house cat. like you can with gender stuff or whatever. looks like a duck acts like a duck it's a ducking duck. I sincerely doubt there are many countries that will even allow hormones under the age of 16 to be given let alone surgeries.

    Ana October 9, 2024 6:05 am
    that's a bunch of lies and you know it. hormone shots at 7 8 is crazy. tired of y'all. trying to present yourselves as reasonable and middle of the road when the reality is you have a clear dislike towards cert... Ana

    sorry 6 7 tf

    Ana October 9, 2024 6:12 am
    that's a bunch of lies and you know it. hormone shots at 7 8 is crazy. tired of y'all. trying to present yourselves as reasonable and middle of the road when the reality is you have a clear dislike towards cert... Ana

    gender something completely different then identifing as an"animal" or and "object"
    it's part of the human experience. that's why drag queen are a thing as well as tomboys fem boys whatever.

    Ana October 9, 2024 6:38 am
    Its not tho. That's the thing. It's not a minority of people. It's a lots of people now. Non conservative society like ours has young kids getting pumped with hormone shots at very young age, as young as even 6... Ace

    And obviously you want to end the discussion after you make such wild claims. you want to leave this feeling right. low-key wonder how you'd actually react if you met a trans person in real life. my uncle is trans himself and is a completely normal person? like we see him on holidays and there's been no issues. y'all love to talk about regret but what about people like him who transitioned almost 2 decades ago and are perfectly fine??