like as in she’s a lesbian? I’m not sure what you mean by in denial. That could be a possibility but nothing has been said about her sexual orientation and regardless of if she is or not. She’s still being homophobic thinking stuff like “if it’s not what i’m used to it’s not okay” and trying to get mr kwon to date a girl even though he’s said no and she knows he’s in a relationship with a guy. You can be gay and homophobic I just hope she gets character development

Like she cannot accept Mr Kwon's relationship because if she does then she'll have to accept that for herself. I feel like she is indeed lesbian based off of the word choices she made last chapter and this one. It sounds like she's repeating words she's been told before or words she's overheard. She seems so set on being "normal", but she doesn't say it in a hateful type of way, but more of a protective way. But yeah she's a homophobe in denial. Is what I meant to say