
chocobuun October 8, 2024 11:21 pm

The chick is weird. And I can’t stand nosy ass people. She’s not even a close friend or family, just some random in the village. I personally do not give a shit if she likes girls and is projecting. She’s too damn old to be acting like that. If the man said no to the blind dates, then no means NO.

And what’s also weird is there’s actually people defending her like her backstory and sexual orientation is a fckin shield that gives her a free pass to fuck around. They’re saying she’s “just a kid” so let her have a break. And there’s one person saying “y’all BL readers hating on a woman for nothing!”

She’s a fuckin college student, an adult. She isn’t a kid anymore and can legally get tried as an adult, so she is considered an ADULT. She’s no kid that needs babying. And no one gives a fuck about her damn gender. She could’ve been a man, and she’d still be annoying and weird. The defenders excuse is that she’ll grow from this event and learn her fault, and it’ll be all okay! As if that’s a good excuse to use people’s relationship as self development.
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    ILuv_CoxinMyas October 8, 2024 11:24 pm


    Farscapewho747 October 8, 2024 11:30 pm

    You are absolutely right, nobody has the right to decide something for someone else especially just some random in the same town. If this causes a misunderstanding I'm gonna be pissed and it will be 100 percent her fault. But luckily Ho is a smart and level headed person and knows just how much Kwon loves him, so I don't think anything will go wrong, I can Kwon getting angry, and Ho him talking to her and coming to an understanding.

    shadow roki October 8, 2024 11:35 pm

    You’re quite literally mad for no reason. She lived in a rural area her whole life, she was obviously bullied for her differences and insecurities and she lives in Japan. A very tranditional and closed minded country. If she doesn’t understand or get it it’s very understandable. Nobody’s saying she should get a pass and ur acting like half of the comments aren’t literally threatening to assault her and calling her names for education she never had.

    She’s is close “friends” with Mr. Kwon. They’ve known each other since she was a literal baby so it’s more than likely he’s like a father or adult figure to her. It’s obvious she’s only like this because she’s confused and wants the best for him. She knows what it’s like to be different and she knows the consequences of what happens when you are, she doesn’t want him to go through that and no matter how you look at it she’s confused and his not acting sensibly because of this. Nobody’s saying her actions are normal or okay but why are u acting like she deserves the death penalty and is being an ass. 1, she wasn’t nosy at first she found out due to an accident. She’s acting the same as someone who best friend is dating a player. Is this a situation anything like that? No. But that’s how she’s acting. Is she wrong? Yea. But this a growing experience. She’s a college student she’s still young and has a lot to learn.

    You obviously do too if you’re acting like this over a fictional character who hasn’t even done anything wrong. You’re whining about her but you need to grow up too. You’re acting like a child and getting defensive and mad over something that is easily fixable and understandable. Literally all they need is to have a simple conversation. Was her involvement necessary? No but it happened so deal with it. She’s acting her age. You’re acting like she’s trying to cuss out or hurt Mr. Kwon or Ho. If your gonna try and talk about others ages and maturity than take your own advice and grow up. Media literacy isn’t that hard. Once again nobody is acting like what she’s trying to do is okay. But your over reacting the same way she is

    shadow roki October 8, 2024 11:46 pm

    Re-reading this you actually don’t seem to upset. You simply have an aggressive typing style. That’s chill…and yea she is weird but either way her confusion is understandable and realistic. “Too damn old to be acting like that” once again she’s acting her age. (completely separate from her tho) Your also acting as if college students aren’t straight out of highschool and as if somehow going to college turns you from a “weird 17yr old” into “all knowing 18yr old” people learn from experience (back to her). This is her experience ig. Could she just have used to vocal cords and been like “Mr. Kwon, why are you gay?” Yea probably but she didn’t like most kids wouldn’t because she’s scared apparently. Understanding a character is not the same as excusing someone’s actions. Let’s stop acting like her being confused is the end of the world or like she’s committing a crime. Everyone’s gonna be okay. Is she being weird? Yeah def. Should be sending her death threats because of it? No be normal.

    chocobuun October 8, 2024 11:52 pm
    You’re quite literally mad for no reason. She lived in a rural area her whole life, she was obviously bullied for her differences and insecurities and she lives in Japan. A very tranditional and closed minded... shadow roki

    LMFAO someone feels targeted, and you’re right, you are one of the defenders. All excuses is basically the content of your comment. I’m mad at her fuckin INTENT. Just cause she hasn’t done anything yet, doesn’t mean people can’t be mad at her intent to ruin someone’s relationship. “Nobody’s saying she should get a pass.” You are right now, and the people I literally saw DID. They literally did say “give her a break.” “This is a growing experience.” Here we go. I already mentioned y’all saying bullshit like treating ruining relationships is a good thing for self improvement. It is quite hilarious that I addressed the exact excuses I know y’all used, and you repeated the same excuses proving my point LOL. I never said she deserved death penalty, relax honey.

    You obviously felt some type of way to be insulting me, and you’re right. You ARE the weirdo defender that I’m referring to, so thanks for calling yourself out and showing proof yall exist. “Easily fixable,” and yet she’s planning to go behind someone’s back and set up blind dates and shit. Sure it’s fixable because the main characters have plot armor and their relationship will still end up happy. But your logic, is stupid and if you give that advice that everything is fixable with a conversation after doing nosy shit- then you could easily damage others relationships.

    Being nosy and “worrying” over people’s business can cause more harm than good. Like a parent trying to “fix” their gay child. Your logic of “if they have been bullied and don’t understand, it’s understandable and deserve a pass!” At the end of the day, you technically ARE assuming she’s gay and has been bullied, in order for you to feel better about defending her.

    chocobuun October 9, 2024 12:04 am
    Re-reading this you actually don’t seem to upset. You simply have an aggressive typing style. That’s chill…and yea she is weird but either way her confusion is understandable and realistic. “Too damn ol... shadow roki

    Anyways as you could see from rereading, the first part was about her, but the rest was mainly being upset at other readers who defend stupid actions. Excusing it with “just a kid” as if that phrase prevents anyone from any consequences. You can say you weren’t excusing it, but you can’t speak for others WHO DID. They did not make observations only, they straight up WERE excusing her and were criticizing those who were not on her side. The person who said ppl hate women based on this manhwa, insulted readers as well. If you have an issue with death threats, then go to a comment that is doing that? I didn’t do that.

    And let me just say, that you should stop underestimating how much 17-18 year olds know. Not everyone is naive and stupid as you think. Let me put it in a different perspective: if an 18 year old tries to have a relationship with an 10 year old, would you give them a pass and say the 18 year old is just a kid and doesn’t know any better? No right? So you are aware that despite being young, they still have common sense. If that 18 year old was groomed and that’s why they did it, does that mean it’s understandable that they would groom others too? Just apply the same logic you’ve been using on other situations and you’ll see it’s not fool-proof.

    Also let me just ask a question: had she not been a college student, and was a 45 year old woman, would you still be saying the same things?

    shadow roki October 9, 2024 12:24 am
    LMFAO someone feels targeted, and you’re right, you are one of the defenders. All excuses is basically the content of your comment. I’m mad at her fuckin INTENT. Just cause she hasn’t done anything yet, d... chocobuun

    It’s not that I feel targeted that’s u apparently if I feel that way. cause I feel like it’s obvious given I’m reading this that I’d never care for someone else’s relationship. Tho ngl if my friend or someone was dating a bad person and I had proof then yea we’re getting them out but that’s not the case here. Once again they’re not excuses they’re literally just explanations. Again, nobody’s saying what she’s doing is okay, but why are we acting like she’s committing a crime instead of discussing how she’s weird and talking about how her character is or isn’t relevant to the plot?

    Yeah we figured that out already dude. And again you’re complaining to the wrong person. If ur mad about her intent go talk to it about someone who’s defending her intent. If u think I’m defending her then read the comment again.

    Yea so u don’t seem to have understood the comment. So either tell me what u didn’t understand and I’ll explain it or complain about the issues ur acting like I created to someone who’s actually defending or making them.

    Also u know that a hypothamlous is right? It’s basically being dramatic in speech that what I did. It’s hilarious you didn’t take the time to understand why exactly I used point from both the defenders and your own. It’s also sad u didn’t see the ogs.

    Literally nobody’s insulting you idk where u got that from. If u felt insulted by something that’s not my problem. The only insulting thing I said was something u mentioned in your own comment. Were u joking?

    So atp ur just making stuff up in your head for the sake of ur own assumptions. Again not really my problem dude.

    No I’m talking about easily fixable irl. Not from the story literally talking from experience.
    Dude every first step should start with a conversation on both sides. That’s just obvious. U don’t even have a logic with what ur trying to say or maybe I missed it. Also once again, u say nosy as if she intentionally went to find out about his relationship. She didn’t. Now if u mean nosy in trying to understand why he would want to perhaps be chastised and trying to quite literally “fix the abnormal behavior” then yeah real bro.

    PERCISELY see that wasn’t so hard bro that’s the point of this arc that I’m literally trying to explain to her. If u already got it then why were u acting like I said some useless random stuff.

    ….no….im not…quite literally nowhere in this manwha(I think don’t kill me gng) did we get implicattions that she was gay and bullied…I mean maybe I missed them but that wasn’t rlly where I was tryna go with it. Once again nobody’s defending. Thinking and assuming that from my specific comment was your first mistake and reason u seem to be upset(with my comment idk about the others other than what you’ve alr explained)

    shadow roki October 9, 2024 12:36 am
    Anyways as you could see from rereading, the first part was about her, but the rest was mainly being upset at other readers who defend stupid actions. Excusing it with “just a kid” as if that phrase prevent... chocobuun

    Yeah I was tryna explain what people litterally ment from that…Pookie are we not reading?(oh btw honeys odd to call a stranger online don’t do that with me. And if u dont like “Pookie” tell me cause I use it a lot)

    Also I never excused it for her saying “She’s just a kid” or for that.

    Pookie. You seriously don’t seem to understand the concept or the direction of who I’m speaking about to connect it to the generalization. You’re not getting it and I’m gonna need you to tell me why/what so I can explain it properly or in more depth.

    Ahhh I get that. And I’m not talking about literal death threats(tho some people did with her too) but im talking about those who instead of talking about her character or simply chastising her but not actually talking about her. It’s like when you do something shitty but instead of people talking about the shitty thing you did and how it relates to you to fix yourself they’re just bullying you about it yk?.

    RIGHT? POOKIE EXACTLYYY:D so do u get it or nott???
    Homie I did…(actually idk why I used homie…wee obviously not but still)

    Yes, because her being a college student doesn’t matter much in the sense of what I’m trying to explain and talk about with her. Obviously it would change with points I made about her needing to grow up and how she’s confused but still needs to acknowledge this is none of her buisness or her issue. It would also change the timeline in how this wa experienced for her and the situation of her family situation and bullying…but overall in what I’m trying to explain it would be the same. Then it might make more sense for her character cause she lived in an actual time. It’s be a great way to show both variety, character depth and understanding along with underlining yk?:D

    shadow roki October 9, 2024 12:38 am
    Anyways as you could see from rereading, the first part was about her, but the rest was mainly being upset at other readers who defend stupid actions. Excusing it with “just a kid” as if that phrase prevent... chocobuun

    STOP THIS FUN I LIKE YOU.( Ik that’s odd to say and you probs think Im annoying which fair tbh. But I think we’re getting somewhere and actually talking so it’s fun hearing more in-depth about your issues and thoughts:D ur also kinda funny)

    chocobuun October 9, 2024 1:02 am
    It’s not that I feel targeted that’s u apparently if I feel that way. cause I feel like it’s obvious given I’m reading this that I’d never care for someone else’s relationship. Tho ngl if my friend ... shadow roki

    “ If ur mad about her intent go talk to it about someone who’s defending her intent.” You replied to MY COMMENT. And also giving reasons or excuses as to why someone is doing something, is considered defending. It’s not just saying “I’m defending this person!” If it wasn’t defending then you wouldn’t have explained every reason why it’s okay. You can reread your first comment and then see what matches with all the other points I made- those are all excuses. Explanations and excuses CAN BE THE SAME.

    And nosy include butting into situations that don’t involve you. I didn’t say anything about her first witnessing the kiss. Nosy is trying to get involved in someone’s business. Which is exactly what she’s doing by trying to set him up on dates with other women.

    And please just stop saying “nobody’s defending.” There’s full on evidence of others who have defended her, you can go ahead and read through the comment section yourself.
    And also the part where I said you’re insulting me. In your words: “ You’re acting like a child, grow up. Media literacy isn’t that hard.” Idk about you, but calling people children and mentioning their capabilities in reading, is considered an insult. If you often make comments like that towards others, you definitely have been offering several people.
    Can I ask if English is your first language? And how exactly old are you to be calling others children? Because a lot of what you wrote indicates you don’t get what implying is, and several words like, defending and nosy.

    shadow roki October 9, 2024 1:55 am
    “ If ur mad about her intent go talk to it about someone who’s defending her intent.” You replied to MY COMMENT. And also giving reasons or excuses as to why someone is doing something, is considered defe... chocobuun

    I did, because I wanted to talk about it. But then you replied back with stuff that wasn’t what I was talking about and then about other people. I can’t have a conversation with you that you need to have with someone else. It’s the same your reason you told me in your comment lmao. We wrote the same thing.

    No, giving reasons why someone does something is an explanation. Giving reason why it was okay or needs a pass is an excuse. I’m not trying to excuse her behavior. I just enjoyed talking about and explaining her character aswell as actions and thought process because I’d assume it’s relevant to the story and what
    The author would like.,,tho ngl they probably couldn’t care less.

    yesss…that’s intentional i did the same with yours too,.. I literally already explained why that is in both comments dude. Just read those ones lol.

    Homie,…did I not go over that part aswell? Dude those are irrelevant now and already understood by both of us if we said the same thing. That’s why I asked and then made the clarification. Why are u saying the same thing we both did like 3times(his is the 4th) was their something I missed or that you trying to add because I then I missed it please retype in more depth:D

    …is your first language not English? Or do you assume because my mines not I’m being extra literal cause then my lol( also to answer your question at the bottom no it’s not lmao) I’m saying “nobody’s defending” in the context people use when referring to the people in the room. I see the “Room” as ur reply section, does that make more sense?

    Oh. Then I apologize, I didn’t mean to offend you or make you upset. I do ngl see now how that can upset someone so obviously that’s on me. Ngl I try to talk to others the way I would want to be talked to but then again not everyone would like the way I talk. I should be more mindful of that so I’m sorry. I personally don’t find it rude cause being a child isn’t a bad thing unless you need to be or think with more maturity. But usually kids have enough of that but in this sense u seemed to have similarities with her with the way you were talking but since you were telling her to grow up i thought that means your probably should too. Tho ig since she’s already an adult it wouldn’t matter. U might be too.

    Basically if someone told me that I’d take it as I’m either speaking/acting childish or a have similarities with a kid. I usually take it as advice or a simple comment depending on the situation. Oh and too clarify because of what u said in the beginning. I’m not trying to excuse my actions and act like it wasn’t insulting to you cause how you felt is completely understandable. I really do apologize and I felt I should probably explain so you have a better understanding of how I was thinking. I’m not trying to excuse my ignorant and self centered behavior there.:)

    Oh but I do know what they mean, if your confused what I said tho please tell me the specifics and I’ll explain better because ngl typing on here is kinda annoying and I mess up easily, which is probably what I happened in probably not typing or structuring correctly