Tbh I might just be an oshi meat rider but I still think out of everyone in this scenario he's the one most in the right, like his friends an insensitive dickhead who's only good virtue is he's kinda nice and too damn naive, the girls a manipulative bitch who's messed up in the head and can be plain evil when she wants to be, the captains thinking with his dick and doesn't think the girl could be doing any wrong and is immediately saying his friends in the wrong, yeah oshis kind of a brute with his words but he's probably the most sane person present. Also I have just the slightest hope that vice captain actually realized somethings wrong and is just trying to diffuse the situation to get oshi out of there.
The baldhead dude irritates the tf outta me. Always in someone's business judging and acting like he's better than them when nobody asked his opinion. Worry about your own shit lmao!