Actually if you think about it unfortunately Ian is unintentionally the side hoe. They’re not the same person, they have totally different personalities and don’t even share memories. But yeah Ian is being used as a replacement and ML wants him to become Brian, that’s why he doesn’t really bother with explaining anything to him. He doesn’t love him, he loves the possibility of him becoming Brian, what he doesn’t realize is that Ian will never become Brian as long as he has his own memories.

Let's be honest here, the way reincarnation stories go is that they *are* the same person. That's how this trope alway goes.
There might be some minor differences between the two, but the the core personality will always be the same. It's naive to think this story will somehow go differently and make a case for Ian and Brian being different people lol If anything, Ian will definitively regain his memories as Brian at some moment, it's expected for this storytelling beat---the point of the flashback, other than showing that Lorkan is a fucking asshole, is to show the readers that Sol and Ian/Brian are truly linked through a past lifetime and fated.
I'll be truly, truly suprised if Ian does not regains his past life memories.

I disagree. They definitely have differences, but their similarities exceed them. Both Ian and Brian share the same soul, Ian is the reincarnation of Brian. But their realities are different. Ian's personality now can definitely be attributed to Lorkans conditioning and derwins influence. He is constantly suppressing himself akin to his mana. He considers himself a sinner. All of this have definitely influenced his personality. But stating their core personality is different is a stretch. As a matter of fact I love how there are differences between their past and present life. I could use the nature vs nurture argument here, but this is a fictional setting which has quite clearly shown that nature or soul is more potent. Any other discrepancies are probably due to writing inconsistency.
I don't understand yall acting like brian is some side hoe trying to get the ML, apart from Ian like they are literally the same people??
Without the background story arc, we wouldn't know how messed up Lorkan really is that without more context we would have easily brushed off the Lorkan as just another typical manipulative second ML that wanted to get Brian. Without the background story arc, we wouldn't know how much yearning and sacrifices from Sol for Brian.
Ya'll are just whack if you just wanna brush off character lore just so you wanna see more screen time with your favs.