Apparently karas finds out about abel in like 50 more chapters or so when they are on a ship with everyone on their way to the capital. But abel finds out karas is his highness some time later.
In a comment a few pages back spoilers Apparently karas finds out about abel in like 50 more chapters or so when they are on a ship with everyone on their way to the capital. But abel finds out karas is his hig... Kawaiineko❤namjoon
50 more chapters omg the slow burn is slow CaleKale
Sorry, since it can't be marked as a spoiler if I just reply to a comment. If we think of it as seasons, I think they'll be together in season 3? Or 4? Right? I think. Since I am at volume 5 in the novel, and they're still not together.
In a comment a few pages back spoilers Apparently karas finds out about abel in like 50 more chapters or so when they are on a ship with everyone on their way to the capital. But abel finds out karas is his hig... Kawaiineko❤namjoon
SPOILER...Sorry, since it can't be marked as a spoiler if I just reply to a comment. If we think of it as seasons, I think they'll be together in season 3? Or 4? Right? I think. Since I am at volume 5 in the no... ayumu_420
I read some spoilers already but I want morreeeeee