istabbedyou October 7, 2024 10:16 pm

Dude. I cannot begin to describe how much I LOVE horus. He is so good and MWUAH EXCELLENT! I just picked this story up and oh my god, I was not expecting it to be so good!!! It's so messy and absolutely riveting, literally pulled an all nighter to get myself completely up to date. I really think Horus is my favorite but ANUBIS AS A GOD???? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
Ah, I have so many words but all I can say is, Horus is my beautiful bird! He's the biggest bird! And he's an adorable nephew~ ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Panstyr October 9, 2024 8:37 am

    OH MY LORD finally someone who has spoken the truth. Down here you most of the time see people hating on Horus for being to blank of a character, but that's not true at all. Like he's perfect and I love him sooo much.

    istabbedyou October 9, 2024 6:16 pm
    OH MY LORD finally someone who has spoken the truth. Down here you most of the time see people hating on Horus for being to blank of a character, but that's not true at all. Like he's perfect and I love him soo... Panstyr

    HORUS IS BRILLIANT! He’s stoic, sure, but he’s constantly going through it! I AM THE NUMBER ONE HORUS FAN, HE’S JUST A LIL BABY CHICKEN !!!! I think people should look more into his character as a whole because he’s actually quite complex, and I absolutely ADORE him. I definitely think there should be more Horus fans aside from his character, he’s very handsome as well RAAAAAH

    Panstyr October 9, 2024 8:18 pm
    HORUS IS BRILLIANT! He’s stoic, sure, but he’s constantly going through it! I AM THE NUMBER ONE HORUS FAN, HE’S JUST A LIL BABY CHICKEN !!!! I think people should look more into his character as a whole b... istabbedyou

    YESSS ABSOLUTELY!! You can see just how much he cares about Seth, but at the same time he knows that Seth needs to attone for his sins, but is trying to help him out every single time when Seth passes out. He loves him soo much, he's sometimes little sneaky, but never forces himself on Seth too much, and he's trying SOO HARD to do anything that would make Seth happy. He's CUTE and he's so hard working. AND even if he makes a mistake he's trying to learn from it like OMG HES TOO PERFECT! I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH

    istabbedyou October 10, 2024 4:13 am
    YESSS ABSOLUTELY!! You can see just how much he cares about Seth, but at the same time he knows that Seth needs to attone for his sins, but is trying to help him out every single time when Seth passes out. He l... Panstyr

    NO YOUR SO RIGHT! And that whole situation where he took Seth to the temple even though he knew that if he were found out it would be a lot of trouble, he did it BECAUSE of how much he cares?! He’s so beautifully gentle, and absolutely divine! I could never understand anyone who detest Horus when he is a brilliant, and loving guy. He is the only fresh breath of air I get in this entire series, his character in general is so well written and I applaud the author for making him the way he is. He may have issues but he means well, and he’s trying his best regardless of the circumstances he’s given(;ω;) LIVE LAUGH HORUS!

    Panstyr October 10, 2024 7:44 am
    NO YOUR SO RIGHT! And that whole situation where he took Seth to the temple even though he knew that if he were found out it would be a lot of trouble, he did it BECAUSE of how much he cares?! He’s so beautif... istabbedyou

    EXACTLY!! Like some people try to say that Horus is the bad guy because he Seth twice and I'm just standing there likeヽ(`Д´)ノ DONT YOU HAVE EYES?! People are like oh noo he's so bad! EXUSE ME? They literally forget that first time, Seth was the one who came into Horus's bed to try to fuck him. Horus just used uno reverse card AND on top of that, he was under Sekhmets curse, so he couldn't control himself. Second time Seth LITERALLY KISSED HIM and some people have the courage to say that he FORCED himself on Seth. JUST USE YOUR EYES. He is the most loving, caring, sweet and nice character probably in the entire story. HES TOO PERFECT FOR SOME PEOPLE. I LOVEEE HIIM

    istabbedyou October 10, 2024 6:06 pm
    EXACTLY!! Like some people try to say that Horus is the bad guy because he Seth twice and I'm just standing there likeヽ(`Д´)ノ DONT YOU HAVE EYES?! People are like oh noo he's so bad! EXUSE ME? They liter... Panstyr

    NO because like!!!! And that whole thing when Seth tried assaulting him but he played uno reverse, he still felt IMMENSELY horrible and guilty, and he wanted to let Seth LITERALLY win and continue to be the king of Egypt?! Dude just LOVES his uncle so much, like give him a break (;ω;) if anything, I wish people would put that energy more into OSIRIS, because he actually deserves it with him being yknow, AWFUL, and taking advantage of Anubis and all !!! I mean, there are lovable characters in this series but, Horus will always be number one for me, and he could never do wrong! He’s trying his best even though EVERYONE is giving him an extremely hard time (Seth included), and I will continue to be his fan forever (⌒▽⌒) I’m so glad you get me Panstyr, I’ve had no one to talk to about my little obsession with Horus, but now I feel better RAAAHHHH

    Panstyr October 10, 2024 7:43 pm
    NO because like!!!! And that whole thing when Seth tried assaulting him but he played uno reverse, he still felt IMMENSELY horrible and guilty, and he wanted to let Seth LITERALLY win and continue to be the kin... istabbedyou

    YESSS LITERALLY THINK THE SAME!! Now you mentioned Osiris, you literally see more people in the comments hating on Horus and not on him!! Like broo how can you say that Horus is bad when you have this GREEN PIECE OF GARBAGE right in front of you?! I even saw someone saying that Horus is just like his father and that's why he's so obsessed with Seth... Let's just say I argued with them for almost a week. Horus is the most caring character out there! He loves Seth, but he tries to give him as much space and comfort as possible! Some people probably just read only half of the story and then decided to comment on it. AND ANUBIS! He is also such a poor kid being blackmailed by Osiris and forgetting Sethヽ(`Д´)ノ Everyday I wake up passed just knowing that Osiris exist. You istabbedyou are from now on my comrade!

    istabbedyou October 10, 2024 10:44 pm
    YESSS LITERALLY THINK THE SAME!! Now you mentioned Osiris, you literally see more people in the comments hating on Horus and not on him!! Like broo how can you say that Horus is bad when you have this GREEN PIE... Panstyr

    WHAAAAT HORUS IS NOTHING LIKE HIS DEMENTED FATHER! Dude, that’s so crazy (´༎ρ༎`) the only thing they possibly have in common is their interest in Seth! Osiris has a very narcissistic attitude towards Seth while Horus just wants him to be safe! I can’t believe someone would make that comparison, it breaks my little fudanshi heart (´Д` ) and you’re right, poor Anubis! Admittedly, I was nervous about Anubis but he’s just getting used and played around with by that awful god, it pains me to see it ! Hopefully Horus will maybe become a bit more compassionate and try to help him as well as Seth, I hope to see them get along~
    I AM HONORED TO BE YOUR COMRADE!!! Horus fan club immediately!!! He needs so much love, my sweet baby chicken!

    Panstyr October 11, 2024 8:30 pm

    Let's say it like this: Horus IS the most, PERFECT, LOVING, CARING, OBSSESIVE, UNDERSTANDING, CUTE, character in this manhwa. He's too PERFECT to even exist and he's SOOO COMPLEX and I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH!!!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Doomed Pickle October 13, 2024 11:04 am
    OH MY LORD finally someone who has spoken the truth. Down here you most of the time see people hating on Horus for being to blank of a character, but that's not true at all. Like he's perfect and I love him soo... Panstyr

    Not hating but that other foreign god is just so entertaining xD

    LynxSeoltang October 13, 2024 11:23 am
    YESSS ABSOLUTELY!! You can see just how much he cares about Seth, but at the same time he knows that Seth needs to attone for his sins, but is trying to help him out every single time when Seth passes out. He l... Panstyr

    I dropped this a while ago but I just wanna ask what do you mean Horus never forced himself to Seth? I remembered Horus raping Seth in Season 1. Tho again, I dropped the series a while back so i don't know if he had a character development or something. But Horus did forced himself to Seth and Raped him.

    Doomed Pickle October 13, 2024 12:36 pm
    I dropped this a while ago but I just wanna ask what do you mean Horus never forced himself to Seth? I remembered Horus raping Seth in Season 1. Tho again, I dropped the series a while back so i don't know if h... LynxSeoltang

    That was just an AU didn't happen in the main story line

    Panstyr October 13, 2024 12:37 pm
    I dropped this a while ago but I just wanna ask what do you mean Horus never forced himself to Seth? I remembered Horus raping Seth in Season 1. Tho again, I dropped the series a while back so i don't know if h... LynxSeoltang

    In S1, there are two things you might mean. The first one is after the tournament. That is a funny example of uno reverse card. Seth came to Horus's room to rape him, but Horus was under Sekhmets influence, so when Seth came to fuck, he wouldn't let it slide and kinda fucked him.
    And the second one is at the end of S1. But that was just alternative story that never actually happend. It was just weird kind of fan service.

    LynxSeoltang October 13, 2024 2:14 pm
    In S1, there are two things you might mean. The first one is after the tournament. That is a funny example of uno reverse card. Seth came to Horus's room to rape him, but Horus was under Sekhmets influence, so ... Panstyr

    Thanks for the clarification. I'd like to read it again but want to skip the grape parts. Specially the one with osiris. Do you remember which chapter was it? Osiris obsession with Seth makes me gag every time. He's just fucking vile

    Panstyr October 13, 2024 2:58 pm
    Thanks for the clarification. I'd like to read it again but want to skip the grape parts. Specially the one with osiris. Do you remember which chapter was it? Osiris obsession with Seth makes me gag every time.... LynxSeoltang

    They're chapters 41-44. Osiris is just green piece of shit who deserves to rot in hell, so I'll gladly help! The ones with Horus are 30-32, but as I said, Seth tried to fuck him first. Also chapter 94 was pretty terrible rape scene, but with multiple guys and yeah it's pretty bad. And of course there are chapters 120-123. In these the foreign god buys Seth as a slave (die FG) and then rapes him. Then if you really don't like things like this, you can also skip chapter 146. But it's very cute and nice and overall the best sex scene in this. Nothing bad happened and I love it but some people maybe don't? Idk but that's all (=・ω・=)

    LynxSeoltang October 13, 2024 7:48 pm
    They're chapters 41-44. Osiris is just green piece of shit who deserves to rot in hell, so I'll gladly help! The ones with Horus are 30-32, but as I said, Seth tried to fuck him first. Also chapter 94 was prett... Panstyr


    indigobunting October 13, 2024 9:16 pm
    OH MY LORD finally someone who has spoken the truth. Down here you most of the time see people hating on Horus for being to blank of a character, but that's not true at all. Like he's perfect and I love him soo... Panstyr

    Crazy. He's my favorite type of character.