Can I not hold onto him even though I’m financially lording over him?

Qxeen_zxy October 7, 2024 3:01 pm

Yes. That’s exactly what that means. You aren’t offering him a way out of his solution, you’re just replacing who it is that is coming to him asking for money. Not only that, why should he trust you? Why should he stay by your side? You SA him as soon as you finish rescuing him from being SA, you completely write off every single feeling/emotion/experience he has ever felt because you the almighty knows better, you forcefully drag him up from a manager position to a secretary to a director without considering what that might look like to your peers, should I go on? Cause I can. There’s so much more to unpack and this is just surface level stuff. You’re literally the scum of the earth and you’re all “woe is me!” Because your daddy chose to have you babysat? I’m literally dropping this. I thought that maybe he could redeem himself because even the douchebag from can’t think straight had done a 180 and became a green forest but I don’t think this guy is even capable of 10% of that. I’m actually disgusted with this author and the way they chose to do this manhwa.

If he, by some miracle, ends up a green flag again, can someone tell me to come back? I love our little Cinnabon boy but I literally cannot tolerate that toddler of a man anymore.
