did the author even make an outline or is this shit off the dome

SourGrapes October 7, 2024 12:20 pm

how did this go from having potential with an interesting set-up to just bullshit in the span of 25 chapters and somehow continue to get worse… sorry im gonna rant because i have free time and im bored.

it feels like the author doesn’t even know what they want the story to be or how they want their own characters to even act. the pimp character talking about “i don’t want to see you getting hurt in the hands of others” but were you or were you not trying to get nagi to play prostitute for your club in the beginning chapters and actively trying to plan to force him to comeback and work there knowing what he went through as a child??? why is he now all of a sudden a good guy who doesn’t want nagi to have sex with random people or get hurt? because its “interesting” to have a love triangle? bruh. and nagi being so hell-bent on revenge that he would refuse to move with his hyung after the original chairman passed because he’s not satisfied with no getting revenge just to seemingly give up because hosu’s dick is good and hosu is lonely…

and why has the relationship between nagi and hosu gone so fucking fast lol? there was practically no buildup for their relationship its like they fucked once and are now in love with each other and nagi has basically forgotten about the revenge. does the author want this to be a lovey-dovey story or a story about getting revenge. sure they can do both but they can definitely do it better. the whiplash between the switching back and forth with the scenes with hosu and then nagi getting SA’d so frequently is like… what. also what happened to the other guy hosu was playing with why has he just fucked off to nowhere.

speaking of characters that just fuck off to nowhere the way yeon jun (i think thats his name its the red-haired hyung) and the coffee shop owner are so obviously just characters for plot is kind of hilarious like there was no attempt to flesh them out even a little. once they get done with their part they’re off screen again for the next chapters until they’re needed again. coffee shop owner’s design is too nice for that justice for him.

overall it feel incredibly rushed and feels confused about what it wants to be as a story. im upset because this could have been actually interesting and it has nice art too. i can deal with stories that are bad from the jump but its disappointing when a story has potential and gets worse.
