Wait why downvote, I am genuinely asking no hate to you. Ill explain it incase people think im complaing which im not. I wasn't whining or anything. I was just saying that After everything Igris went through he cant even catch a break now that he is safe with Zig at least Im hoping hes safe. The drug is still in his system and even the doc said that the only way to alleviate the symptoms is to have sex. And its kinda obvious that they are gonna do it. No matter how necessary it is i was just voicing that it made me feel icky for the sole fact I just want Igiris to have a break.

hate? :0 no hate here!! Downvote mearly means that i disagree one of your points or the global idea, or anything at all that seemed interesting to comment on!
I'm not on the internet much but i use it as a "actually!", i mean no hate!
And it's a mistake on my part, but i was talking to the second comment (they're right though, i just believe that mesures had to be taken if he was dangerous), BUT clearly it looked like i was talking to you, i see it now, but i actually fully agree with you, our poor man can't take a break this is too much;;;; i blame the author.
I KNOW that the drug is an aphrodisiac and the only way to really help with the symptoms is to have sex. But am I the only one hating the fact that these two are gonna have sex after everything thats happened? Like it just feels so WRONG