Istg ppl learn the name of disorders n just paste it anywhere. This isn't Stockholm syndro...

Namjoon's left buttcheek October 6, 2024 8:45 am

Istg ppl learn the name of disorders n just paste it anywhere. This isn't Stockholm syndrome u dumb betches

    king yaoi the first October 6, 2024 9:30 am

    ?? what is it then /genq

    Namjoon's left buttcheek October 6, 2024 9:49 am
    ?? what is it then /genq king yaoi the first

    U see Stockholm syndrome despite being of mass media attention is a heavily critiqued n contested illness but it's a condition that happens when captives develop attachment to captors but in case of Tae Kyung, we've seen how he acted with hae seo previous to his kidnapping. I wouldn't say his feelings were romantic but he definitely was emotionally attached to hae seo or felt some sort of moral and saviour obligation to hae seo. Those abstract emotions are just what's growing and taking roots now that he's unable to escape unlike previously when he'd distance himself the moment they had cozy times. So yeah that's what I personally feel I might be wrong but I do know this isn't Stockholm. Not trynna invalidate his circumstances but to develope Stockholm your brain has to go through much more extreme severe hostile trauma and period of unpredictable torture that threatens your very life and to protect the sanity and the entire system the brain develops this defence mechanism to delusion the captive into making sense of things and feel protected

    tokotoko October 6, 2024 1:37 pm
    U see Stockholm syndrome despite being of mass media attention is a heavily critiqued n contested illness but it's a condition that happens when captives develop attachment to captors but in case of Tae Kyung, ... Namjoon's left buttcheek

    lmao it can absolutely BE stockholm syndrome. Stockholm syndrome is very discussed but that doesn’t mean you can’t apply it here?? U don’t need to go through insane amounts of trauma (although Taekyung did, idk what more u want done to him to make it valid) to get attached to your captor. Taekyung was attached to Heeseo before bc he wanted to protect him, never once did he actually feel any sort of romantic attraction to him, all he did before he was kidnapped was also forced bc Heeseo guilt tripped him and threatened to k*ll himself if Taekyung didn’t go along with it.

    BL Army October 7, 2024 9:14 am
    lmao it can absolutely BE stockholm syndrome. Stockholm syndrome is very discussed but that doesn’t mean you can’t apply it here?? U don’t need to go through insane amounts of trauma (although Taekyung di... tokotoko

    Well....Logically if we see then Taekyung was still attached to Heeseo when he wasn't in his captive and might have even harbored feelings for Heeseo....So I don't think so the full concept of Stockholm Syndrome can be said is applied here....cause Taekyung wasn't in Heeseo's captive since the start and they are nit strangers and actually have history together...

    tokotoko October 7, 2024 4:35 pm
    Well....Logically if we see then Taekyung was still attached to Heeseo when he wasn't in his captive and might have even harbored feelings for Heeseo....So I don't think so the full concept of Stockholm Syndrom... BL Army

    having history with your captor does not mean you can’t develop romantic feelings because he’s your captor later. They have history (very toxic history) where Taekyung wasn’t attracted to Heeseo romantically and very clearly stated that - and we should believe it. They even slept together and despite that, Taekyung knew he didn’t want this. Him suddenly starting to see Heeseo in a romantic light when just a few episodes ago he was angry and refusing to even eat is weird. Let’s say they’re actual romantic feelings; it’s not normal to develop them so fast and not at all after being kidnapped, r4ped and kept captive - what part of that makes you fall deeper in love with somebody? If it isn’t Stockholm syndrome then Taekyung is just an amazing actor who knows how to appear as if he’s deeply in love with Heeseo for his own benefit.

    BL Army October 7, 2024 5:27 pm's either that the scene where he refused to eat was many days before and he gradually caught feelings but we missed that cause we read it as chapters and not days....I personally think that Taekyung is trying to understand how to control Heeseo now to make him listen....I think he is pretending to love Heeseo and is actually planning to escape....but also somewhere in my heart I feel like he dies love Heeseo a lot....especially after that scene where Heeseo talked about his real feelings that he just doesn't want any revenge and that he just doesn't want to be alone....And I really have this genuine question to you....Please don't mind my point of view....Was it really that Intense that we have to call it "R4pe"? Cause when I felt like Taekyung was actually enjoying himself with all his blusing and cuming even if he was saying otherwise...It was manipulative...yes...cause Heeseo did guilt trip Taekyung....but it wasn't that bad like dark fall and non zero sum....Oh and we also found out that Taekyung masturbated while thinking about Heeseo in the past 7 years....In which reality did a victim of R4pe ever fantasize about it's R4pist and masturbated? I am just trying to say that isn't calling it "R4pe"....which is a serious issue in the real world a little too much? I admit that it is toxic tho....I am not arguing...just trying to understand cause I think we all have a different pov when it comes to sex in fiction...Some people call even the slightest of rough sex scenes "R4pe" as if the bottoms have no backbone and cannot defend themselves if something wrong is happening....And they forget that one partner can understand if the other is enjoying or not from the expression of the other....

    Namjoon's left buttcheek October 7, 2024 6:07 pm's either that the scene where he refused to eat was many days before and he gradually caught feelings but we missed that cause we read it as chapters and not days....I personally think that Taekyung ... BL Army

    Regarding this I'd like to add my two cents.... it was definitely dub con if not straight up rape but Tae Kyung was NOT consenting to it mentally. No matter how much vehemently you are against it it's your body that physically reacts to stimulations so the blushing and Cumming is smth that naturally will happen if he's stimulated like that but mentally and emotionally u can be rejecting someone at the same time. And there are cases of rape victims who think back to their assault and get erection/turned on or master bate but it's just the physical reactions that they can't help and it disgusts them and many blame themselves for it or think they're fcked up. Srsly one of the lesser discussed ptsd n trauma of rape is this very issue of rare cases of secretly liking your assault...but that doesn't take away the fact that you didn't consent to it and were forced.

    I too think Tae Kyung is faking the extent of his romantic emotions to have hae seo by the hook n eventually plan an escape because like the other person said it's too early for him to develop such feelings which would come off as Stockholm syndrome but why I feel it's not Stockholm because you gotta be chained up for a very very long time for the emotions to get to that point and fear for your own life. Taekyung sure was kidnapped held hostage n assaulted but it's not even been that long that he's chained up and it's not like he's beaten till half death, starved or locked up in window less basement with rats. He's in a nice spacious house gets to eat good food n all occasionally is even having heart to heart Talks with hae seo. We don't see him get to a mental breakdown or a downward spiral of his sanity to an absolute beyond help point where he'd eventually lose it all and develope Stockholm as a last resort. He still has hopes of escape and what I mean is when you're still capable of rational thinking and calculations u don't need your brain saving you by developing any syndrome... for me best example of a Stockholm syndrome is "my lover sura" if you've read that you'd know what I mean when I say your mental state absolutely needs to be pushed beyond help and remedy for you to develope disorders... and so far it doesn't seem like that for Tae Kyung. Once again this is just my pov and I welcome you guys input

    tokotoko October 7, 2024 6:25 pm's either that the scene where he refused to eat was many days before and he gradually caught feelings but we missed that cause we read it as chapters and not days....I personally think that Taekyung ... BL Army

    yes it’s r*pe
    non con s*x is r*pe, it doesn’t matter what your body does. People can get drunk and seem to enjoy it, people can get drugged and seem to enjoy it and people can even “seem” to enjoy it, but when you say no and stop and they keep going, that’s r*pe. And tbh what Taekyung went through was very violent r*PE as well, regardless of his bodily reactions. He was tied up and couldn’t escape even if he wanted to. Heeseo being cutesy later and “in love” doesn’t mean he didn’t quite literally violate Taekyung. If Taelyung seems “used to it” now, it’s not because he’s okay with it, it’s because he’s been through it before and knows he can’t fight through it. Sadly r*pe is very normalized in BL to the point where ppl start questioning if it’s rly that when they “seem to enjoy it”. No means no and stop means stop, if you go further, and especially if you can’t even physically protect yourself (being tied up), it’s r*pe. “Have no backbone and can’t protect themselves” is insanely insensitive, I genuinely hope you never ever say that to anybody who’s been r*ped before. Did you know your body can because paralyzed? Not to mention are you glazing over the fact that Heeseo had Taekyung tied up? Or maybe that Heeseo threatened to k*ll himself if Taekyung didn’t “love him”?
    I also don’t buy Heeseo’s idea of love, he’s extremely manipulative and he’s been forcing himself on Taekyung since forever. His childhood doesn’t excuse his behavior. Should he have gotten help? Absolutely. Does that mean his behavior is okay? No.

    tokotoko October 7, 2024 6:32 pm
    Regarding this I'd like to add my two cents.... it was definitely dub con if not straight up rape but Tae Kyung was NOT consenting to it mentally. No matter how much vehemently you are against it it's your body... Namjoon's left buttcheek

    lol I had to give my input after “it’s not Stockholm syndrome you dumb btches” cus yes it’s a discussed topic but I’m sure it can be applied here. I’ve seen documentaries as well where it’s portrayed. I just feel like Taekyung has been manipulated by Heeseo for a long time and while he might have feelings for Heeseo, it’s not the ones he’s been showing so rapidly. Taekyung, who’s been through so many awful things, is maybe not as mentally strong as we think. He’s been messed up since childhood as well. So maybe being nice and loving Heeseo is his last outlet/coping mechanism. In his mind he probably knows he’s never getting anywhere if he refuses Heeseo. He’s tried it more than once and it only resulted in him being hurt and violated more.
    I’ll be really surprised if it’s all an act, then he’s a rly great actor, and a genius as well.

    Namjoon's left buttcheek October 7, 2024 6:38 pm
    lol I had to give my input after “it’s not Stockholm syndrome you dumb btches” cus yes it’s a discussed topic but I’m sure it can be applied here. I’ve seen documentaries as well where it’s portra... tokotoko

    Reading this gives a new perspective I previously hadn't considered. Thanks for taking the time to write this input. It's interesting how all of us perceive the same story differently. All I can say is I'm gonna wait now and see how things unfold further to be able to draw out an analysis of taekyung and his actions or understand him better

    tokotoko October 7, 2024 8:07 pm
    Reading this gives a new perspective I previously hadn't considered. Thanks for taking the time to write this input. It's interesting how all of us perceive the same story differently. All I can say is I'm gonn... Namjoon's left buttcheek