Everybody has its opinion, whether u like it or not. But shaming n stoning of those who thinks besides u its not COOL man.
Chill out it's just fiction n everybody has a right to express their point of view. U don't want to respect that but ILL speaking will take u nowhere. Take a chill .
PS: Suha's ass is boring we want Sihyeok. Bring back my girls.
By the way it's always Suha's decision to enter those orgies. Do hyeok never forced him literally. Read the story again. Suha did that for DH. Suha could have left DH for his self respect n pride but instead he chose otherwise to get himself involved with those acts. Don't blame the player baby. Suha never faced the atrocity like DH he was r**** by his peers man. Don't u find any difference between getting raped and doing orgies with your intent. Then I'm sorry to say u r delusional. U need Jesus.
You’re something else. Really telling me I’m delusional and need Jesus when you’re excusing a abusive loser just because he got hit with his own medicine and then you want that same loser to get together with the friend of the person he abused which he never apologized for. You sound like a horrible person if all it took for you to forgive that blood clot was for him to experience what he has done to others. Go and wish upon a star cuz the author isn’t going to make them into a couple cuz of a group of psychos that function on pretty privilege want them to be a couple. Even if everyone discarded their opinions on that whole side story that ending was perfect for what dynamic they had regardless if blood clot was evil and regardless if Suha’s friend knew anything they both treated each other horribly it would’ve been a toxic relationship and there was no feelings going on that weren’t horrible so ending things was the best option for both of them like let’s actually read the story instead of boohoo crying that the toxic yaoi you wanted ended realistically
Everybody in the comment section needs help, what do you mean you want the side couple back??? Bring back public shaming and stoning pls because you guys are actual idiots