no shit babes that's why he's at a goddamn support group to deal with it. i wish that the human psyche is simple and squeakly clean but there will always be weird desires that humans have and we will always need help dealing with them. and when we're reading fiction, there's no need to be a flashing neon sign saying HEY RAPE IS WRONG BTW YOU SHOULDN'T RAPE PEOPLE. rape is wrong, a character wants to rape someone, he's dealing with it. cool, move on. this is a dark story. it will deal with dark topics.

??? OKAY I've never said nothing abt not understanding that it has dark topics? My comment was made when i first read the story and was at the time under the impression that he DID rape someone hence why i replied to someone else under this who corrected me on my misunderstanding??? I've never said i don't understand support group and shit like that like at all???
So you're telling me before all this super interesting cop priest exorcist shit started ML have already raped MC???? that's insane. I was so down for this story but what the fuck is that. And then when ML was telling others abt the rape, they called him "a good person" BRO WHAT ARE YOU SAYING RN IDC IDC WHAT PLOT RELEVANCE IT HAS THAT'S INSANE MANIPULATION