He knows she’s using it for a plan but more than that, he can’t stand to see her person in danger. It’s got nothing to do with whether or not a hologram can die. Imagine someone you love and cherish about all (my baby sister and cats for me) were in danger in a dream. Even if you KNOW it’s a dream, you’ll still wake up full of fear and want to check on them so that you know they are alive even though they most likely wouldn’t have died during the time it took you to have that dream. It’s the same thing. Also the body and brain cannot differentiate between real and fake fear. It’ll process fear exactly the same no matter the circumstances. You may think it’s a plot point to add drama but it’s actually just realism.

I feel like a dream analogy isn't that good. Like, in a dream, you don't know it's a dream and wake up with the same emotions that you would feel in real life. Like you said, brain doesn't see a difference. But with a hologram it's different. I know he thinks it's for her plan, and is right - but my man is going to die for a hologram? Yeah, it's just for a suspense, not needed suspense, because we knew he cannot die anyway

I don’t know about you but a lot of people can tell dreams are dreams. It’s called lucid dreaming. Also, fear is fear. His fear is her getting hurt and him being unable to stop it. That hologram looks like her and the only way he can tell that it’s not her is the absence of her soul and personal scent (animal are pretty sensitive to knowing scents of the humans close to them) so although logically he will know that there’s no way for her to be hurt, his body and brain can’t tell that. His body and brain see her getting hurt and feel like their entire reason for living is over. It is done for suspense because he can’t die but he isn’t wrong for how he reacted. Unless you are trained as a soldier to not react under any circumstances, you will react to someone harming your loved ones even if it’s not physically or logically possible.
Also this is magic. Who knows if a sliver of her soul is incorporated into the hologram or if she will get hurt when her body double gets hurt? Magic usually has a price and sometimes that price is unpredictable.
What the fuck do you mean "real or not", a fucking hologram can't die I know author is somehow desperately pushing for Javier being a ML but the fuck was that scene