Nope! They said they can understand how skylar COULD feel like this. This implies that there is another way he should feel from their perspective! It also doesn't help that they follow this up w "I truly feel like cirrus did him a favor." I can see how this can be confusing, but if you think a little harder you'll get there! d=(^o^)=b

coming under MY comment and being nice nasty is weird asf when it's really not that deep. you under ts trying to down other people for having a different opinion. you're acting like i'm saying skylar was wrong for feeling the way that he felt. there are other people saying shit like that, not me. and i didnt imply shit. move around.

YIKES!! no need to yell,, like u said, its not that serious, so why are you yelling? Anyway I don't think you're fully understanding what I'm saying! I'm not saying that the fact u think this is a favor is v inconsiderate of skylars feelings. He did not ask for this, be it beneficial to him or not. Even then at the end of the day, it was built on lies n manipulation. He thought he could at the very least have faith in cirrus' words when it came to this. This wasn't a favor, if anything it set them backwardsΣ(*´◯`ノ)ノ

Believe it or not, comments have a reply button for ppl to reply! I'm also js trying to share my opinions. I also was being nice until u replied w aggro :/ anyway!! I don't think ur trying to percive skylar in the wrong. What I'm saying is ur being inconsiderate of his feelings. I don't think ur on the same lvl of ppl bashing skylar at all. Yes this is js a manhwa but when u treat the characters as if they're ppl n look at them as such, that's when they become 3 dimensional!(*^▽^)/★*☆♪
i understand why skylar could feel played but i truly feel like cirrus did him a favor.