If you have ever read the usual regression manhwa like "i was a bitch but now i have the second chance to do things right" then we can take account that all of those fl are ass. Yet ppl still root for them because they acknowledge their wrong doings and change. I agree she was ass but i disagree if u still thinks she's horrible

I hate her. Idc what she does to “redeem” herself that little girl deserved and still deserves better than her she should be begging for forgiveness until the day she dies for the things she did to her but all she does is ignore her and sleep with the emperor just because the girl is small doesn't make her trauma go away

Don't bother reading this
When we talk about change, its not drastic and clumsy. It is still and deliberate. Giving her good food and warm clothing is a big change from their life in the slums. Of course she's gonna fuck with the emperor on their 'wedding night' and not every night, assuming its included on their contract and why do u care? Its not like they fuck too much to the point she can't see lily??
Again, its a contractual marriage, she's an empress in name and duty. She's involved in the work for the kingdom and for their future with lily, that is literally stressed so much in the manhwa, did u not read it?
her mother is still ass.. I SAID WHAT I SAID