
SJ02 October 5, 2024 5:08 am

Am I the only one who thinks that Fjord burning his siblings is just cruel? Why would he do that? Why not try to free them instead? And if u gonna kill them as an act of “mercy” then try to do it swiftly at least. Burning someone alive is one of the most painful and cruel deaths u could give. Lirica was literally burnt on a stake before, and we don’t consider her death to be done in a merciful manner, do we?

    SJ02 October 7, 2024 8:38 pm
    exactly but he's not the perfectly good character now his priority is protecting her, it's not like he have the time to hang them one by one to be more merciful he wanted to get rid of them maybe he see their e... Fin

    Yeah, that’s not what I had an issue with. I also think he did it to spite his mother, didn’t think much more about it. My issue is people defending him and acting like what he did was a great act of mercy. It wasn’t, and I have a feeling those opinions are quite hypocritical, if he wasn’t the ML.

    Lizz October 8, 2024 4:03 pm
    Are YOU the author? Did author post anywhere explaining that? If they didn’t then it’s just your interpretation, just like this one is mine. Also, I don’t need to be the author to consider something immor... SJ02

    I'm genuinely sorry if It came out like I was looking down on you, i absolutely didn't mean to, perhaps I didn't word it correctly, and yes it was only my opinion about the interpretation as I saw it would be crueler to let them live. And you're right about morally grey topics in manhwa's like abusive relationships and or dark topics are glorified, I totally agree with you on this point. I only felt differently about this specific manhwa is bcuz I believe (as in my opinion too) the author was trying to make it symbolic and rightous, the problem is it came out a little wrong so I only interpretated it in the more symbolic way. The reason why I believe they might be like zombie is bcuz the author never tried to draw them very life like or with thought, they always had a blank look or just dots of red eyes (quite similar to how zombies are drawn or that of a mindless hoard of beasts). I also agree with your opinion of him being cruel with how he killed them, I just don't agree with the fact that he should've free them bcuz I feel like that might have been crueler for them since I don't think he has the capability to keep them save or to help them and it would ultimately lead to all of their demise. Again I'm truly sorry if my wording came out wrong I didn't mean to sound like I looked down on you at all, I just wanted to express my opinion and I think that came out a lil wrong too.(I also apologize if this was a lil confusing since English is not my 1st language so my wording might be wrong in some places)

    SJ02 October 8, 2024 5:57 pm
    I'm genuinely sorry if It came out like I was looking down on you, i absolutely didn't mean to, perhaps I didn't word it correctly, and yes it was only my opinion about the interpretation as I saw it would be c... Lizz

    Not an issue at all! We all make mistakes :) I felt like that wasn’t your intention either which is why I said sorry too. I get what u mean, it’s just a matter of different opinions