Okay will spoil away... scroll down
.. Do you remember the vase they both touched to see if they are the daughter or not? Well they are cousins thus related by blood. Because they are blood relatives the vase that lit up could light up by both. The vase though is a fake of what is know to be the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail heals people by drinking the water that will appear after a specific type of person (priest or saint) prays towards it. A fake was made using magic to create a way to heal people when they could not get the Holy Grail, but the fake only transfers life force/span of the individual creating the water to heal the people drinking the water. That the cousin of our ML gets found out to be just that a cousin and a fake so she runs away with the fake vase, but she doesn't know its a fake vase. She/cousin goes to the temple to get away from the consequences of her actions. She plays off that she is a saint and creates water from the fake vase to heal the sick that are coming to the temple for healing. So she is in fact transferring her lifespan to all the sick people. When it is found out all the evils she has done she is locked up in prison. When she is locked up she wakes up one day and is in a horrible condition the ML goes to the prison and see's her cousin there and she is very very old to the point she is like a grandmother almost to the point of death. This all happened overnight her transformation into an elderly person. So in fact she has buried herself by her own actions she is literally the walking dead if you will.

Spoiling scroll down.....
Yes the bother will regret but she will not hear of it. In fact her uncle whom is in a coma wakes up and her father goes into a coma. Remember how I said the fake vase transfers life span of one to another person. The father is slowly using the fake to heal his brother in a coma. This uncle is whom is the father of the evil girl. The rest of the family doesn't know this is evil girl is the uncles daughter but will eventually. The father will wake up and it is because of indirect help from the FL that her father wakes up. One thing is that the uncle is going to be the family support that the FL needs. FL's uncle is way better than her real father.

spoil fix
Just to let you know the father is transferring his life span to his brother aka the uncle in the coma and this put the father in a coma himself. So the uncle is currently in a coma but will wake up and the father goes into a coma and this is what the FL eventually indirectly helps to cure later on.

He's a very weird character in the novel. He gave me a creepy vibe at times but once I read to the end he's trying in his own way to protect the MF. He's doing technically what she asked for but often when we ask for something in times of distress its best to have a more stable person instead of someone just going along with the situation. So the prince knows all that's going on and knows she is the real daughter yet its her past situation that he agreed with that has him keeping his mouth shut.
can someone burry this bitch alive, please? ( ̄へ ̄)