Just gonna share

아리안네_알ex October 4, 2024 12:33 am

The most fucked up people have the warmest hands. Idk bout y'all but I can understand Wooyeon. You don't know how hard it is when you can't understand emotions, seeing other people feel joy, sadness, basic emotions that can be seen in the surface, and then demanding you to feel the same, asking you why you're so wierd. When I was young, i was diagnosed that has an APD, i can't feel emotions, or maybe I can feel, but I can't name it, I don't understand it so I killed it. I can't sympathized no matter how hard I try so I tried imitating emotions, but it only fucked me up so bad. I got so used to pretending, I didn't know what I truly feel. When i want something, I don't know if I want it or just want it coz others want it or others told me to want it coz that's normal.
I only got better when I stumbled upon reading a story, the way the story is written is really amazing as it really explains all the character's emotion, and it helped me feel emotions through reading the character's emotions, and so, I got addicted to reading stories as that's the only way I can feel emotions.
It became obsession.
And here I am. Can't get by a day without reading a whole story

    Nymphet October 4, 2024 12:50 am

    Very valid, but being not able to understand doesn't give you a pass to be a shitty person to anyone. There are actions someone can tolerate, but Wooyeon's actions are so beyond that.

    cheesygarlicbread October 4, 2024 1:38 am

    do you remember the name of the book? you got me curious enough to want to read it

    OopsieDaisy October 4, 2024 3:45 am

    This in no way justify his behaviour at all . Keeping someone's passport , threatening them , or almost causing someone's death is something shouldn't be done. That's basic common sense. This fucker was just well hidden , now with inseob all his peculiarities came to light that's it.

    아리안네_알ex October 4, 2024 4:05 am
    Very valid, but being not able to understand doesn't give you a pass to be a shitty person to anyone. There are actions someone can tolerate, but Wooyeon's actions are so beyond that. Nymphet

    Depends on how he was nurtured I guess, coz me, I was forced to be tamed. I often have violent tendencies back then but I will get serious punishment if I continue being a bad kid so I toned it down. However there is this time every year where i'm just going to burst out and destroy anything wreck everything I want, lash out at people for does slightest annoyance. When that happens I lose control of myself and just feel like everything is so annoying, I wanna end it all. I'm not justifying Wooyeon, it's just... I can't explain, it's something we have no control over, even if I don't want to hurt anyone

    아리안네_알ex October 4, 2024 4:08 am
    do you remember the name of the book? you got me curious enough to want to read it cheesygarlicbread

    It's a series of book written in my first language, written by author Jonaxx

    아리안네_알ex October 4, 2024 4:11 am
    This in no way justify his behaviour at all . Keeping someone's passport , threatening them , or almost causing someone's death is something shouldn't be done. That's basic common sense. This fucker was just w... OopsieDaisy

    I don't know i've never been obsessed with people. my only obsession are all put in stories, I'm aware it's obsession because it's affecting my personal life so much and it's worse than drug addiction believe it or not

    아리안네_알ex October 4, 2024 4:39 am
    This in no way justify his behaviour at all . Keeping someone's passport , threatening them , or almost causing someone's death is something shouldn't be done. That's basic common sense. This fucker was just w... OopsieDaisy

    APD patients feels empty inside, srsly lack emotions normal people have. So when they felt something close to those emotions, even just a bit, it's like drinking water after being thirsty for years. I found my water through stories and it seems mc is wooyeon's water. I'm not kidding when I'm telling you I won't be able to function if i don't read any stories for a long time, it seems wooyeon feels the same way. Inseob is wooyeon's only connection to feeling human