They’re not the same authors like omg bruh. This author does put warnings for those types of scenes. It’s literally her book, and if she didn’t put a warning then she didn’t intend for that scene to be like that. It’s her book. She’s one of the only authors that has made a genuine green flag, especially considering how dark the story is. He’s a green flag for Jooha.

Not the same author but the problem stays the same.
I hope, sincerely, that if you ever pass out during sex, your partner stops. I hope they don't rape your body. I hope they have more common sense than you. I hope they would check if you're breathing proprely and are okay.
Because that's what actual green flags do, not what Dooshik did.
I don't really want to start reading it and then find out toxic things or red flags, I honestly don't have the patience