
Master Of Unpopular Opinions October 3, 2024 1:29 am

This thing
It doesn't work.

I know since I'm not too fond of omegaverses and that i might appear biased but no, this is not even the problem here
Let's leave it aside, okay
The problem here
Beside the characters, oh god i fucking hate them, they are all colossal shits


Am i supposed to find it funny? Am i supposed to find it cute??? It just felt like two different stories got mixed up and ended up giving birth to this... Anomaly.

And it didn't make me uncomfortable like horror stories are supposed to, it made me uncomfortable like... A cockroach swimming in my cappuccino.
Not one in my untouched mug, a cockroach having the time of its life in the the mug i have been sipping on for a whole hour while distractingly noticing something moving in it but not paying any mind until i actually felt its legs on my lips and made eye contact.

This is about a man cheating with the parent of his lover and making them pregnant and there s all this cutesy comical figures in the middle trying to make it "lighter" so that I'll accept your typical good ending????

No, no, nope. Ughhhh. Absolutely not.

    Pr3ttyLittl3PSYCHO October 4, 2024 6:42 pm


    Bananas October 4, 2024 7:27 pm

    Exactly this! The humor makes it so weird; like a cockroach in your drink. I’m pretty sure if they made this story problematic or dark, people would hate less on it. But the humor… the “humor”! It’s sickening.

    Ur welcome October 4, 2024 10:31 pm


    chocobuun October 4, 2024 10:55 pm
    Exactly this! The humor makes it so weird; like a cockroach in your drink. I’m pretty sure if they made this story problematic or dark, people would hate less on it. But the humor… the “humor”! It’s s... Bananas

    It’s called dark humor. It was like this from the very first chapter. It’s just that the audience (aka many readers) didn’t get that and assumed it would be serious at some point. You should’ve dipped from the moment the first cheating happened and the alpha’s reaction was so unserious.

    Y’all all read it wrongly. It’s clear that this story was never meant for you, because y’all take things too seriously even when that’s not what the story is intended for. It’s like taking the Suicide Squad movies seriously. The right way to read it is if you have dark humor, or you’ve seen bad hentai’s before where they make ntr situations like a joke.

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions October 5, 2024 2:05 am
    It’s called dark humor. It was like this from the very first chapter. It’s just that the audience (aka many readers) didn’t get that and assumed it would be serious at some point. You should’ve dipped f... chocobuun

    No this not dark humor. Not being exactly right in the head (something like joker syndrom) i eat dark humor, i BREATHE dark humor, and dark humor is, simply put, humor on inappropriate topic. I have a fucking degree on dark humor, if there was a job requiring this mastery, my life would not be the shit it is and i wouldn't be here arguing with a kid.

    Here it wasn't humor about inappropriate topic, it was comical codes forced on a subject to make it lighter and shove down your throat the good ending kids are craving.

    It was neither funny nor disturbing, it was just out of place and didnt make us accept that shit ending. The whole plot was already as obvious as your lack of knowledge on the topic you're lecturing us on, and just so that the [love love ending hysterical fangirling intensifies] would fit, the author tried to make it lighter with the overuse of chibis and the mc's comical self depreciation.

    Nobody "assumed" it would be serious, it WAS serious, the topic was no joke and was never presented as one.

    We are not the ones who read it wrong, YOU were the audience this shit was aimed at.

    chocobuun October 5, 2024 2:44 am
    No this not dark humor. Not being exactly right in the head (something like joker syndrom) i eat dark humor, i BREATHE dark humor, and dark humor is, simply put, humor on inappropriate topic. I have a fucking d... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    You just wrote the dumbest argument I have ever read in my entire life. You just proved my point LMFAOOO OMFG.

    Humor is subjective. What you don’t find funny, someone else will find funny. And yes, this does belong to dark humor, you are not the gatekeeper of dark humor that says which and which can pass. You said it yourself, and this topic applies to the story. “Dark humor is humor on an inappropriate subject.” THIS WHOLE STORY IS HUMOR ON AN INAPPROPRIATE SUBJECT. You disagreeing with that fact shows that you think cheating is appropriate????

    It was NEVER FUCKING SERIOUS. IT WAS ALWAYS PRESENTED AS A JOKE. You must have serious memory loss, because you can easily reread the damn story from the beginning so you can realize how wrong you truly are. Not a single part of this story was taken seriously. You have to be the dumbest person on earth to not get that. What part of the alpha acting stupid 24/7 did that make you think was serious.
    You all read it wrong, because you’re admitting y’all take dumb shit seriously. And thank you for admitting that you have the slightest intelligence to realize what type of audience this is aimed at. Which doesn’t apply to you right? So you just admitted you’re the wrong audience and her still read from start to finish, getting triggered and screaming and whining at something you’re not supposed to take seriously.

    And honey do not even try me with calling me a kid. Half your comment was barely understandable from the lack of grammar you had.

    chocobuun October 5, 2024 2:48 am
    No this not dark humor. Not being exactly right in the head (something like joker syndrom) i eat dark humor, i BREATHE dark humor, and dark humor is, simply put, humor on inappropriate topic. I have a fucking d... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    A perfect example of a SERIOUS story of cheating and is MEANT to be taken serious, is Tears on a Withered Flower or Lost Motion. Which revolves around the subject of cheating.

    This story however, was NEVER MEANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. You just were so mad and trying to make it more serious than it was meant to be portrayed. It’s exactly like those shit ntr hentai that never takes anything seriously. Anyways, it’s clear you’re the type of person to get triggered quite often. Both by dark humor stories and comments that just call you out on how stupid you are.

    Ur welcome October 5, 2024 3:37 am
    A perfect example of a SERIOUS story of cheating and is MEANT to be taken serious, is Tears on a Withered Flower or Lost Motion. Which revolves around the subject of cheating.This story however, was NEVER MEANT... chocobuun

    I think your mistaken, if this story was serious about the comedic effect, the mc feeling depressed on every fight he had with the father wouldn’t have drawn so seriously. Plus yeonwoo’s reaction after he was caught. I don’t remember any chibis during those times. Also, isn’t the recent side story is about the father’s past? And so far in the comment section there’s nothing comedic about it.
    You may say this story is to not be taken seriously, but your ignoring the fact it’s badly written and it’s failed on making readers perceive that, especially considering this is an adaption of the novel which was more serious.
    Plus just like Master of Opinions said, the way they put the comedic effects in this story isn’t used right
    To me this story gives me LUCIAN and Mated To The Ruthless Alpha vibes with horrible characters and story writing.

    chocobuun October 5, 2024 3:50 am
    I think your mistaken, if this story was serious about the comedic effect, the mc feeling depressed on every fight he had with the father wouldn’t have drawn so seriously. Plus yeonwoo’s reaction after he w... Ur welcome

    I think you’re misunderstanding something here. Not once in any of my comments did I ever say this was a well-written story. I specifically stated that it was like an NTR hentai which are ALL TERRIBLE. I didn’t ignore anything. The story being badly written was never in any of my points. My point is that this story is unserious and reached the wrong audience. It’s not that the story failed on making the readers perceive that- you gotta realize that not every reader is quick on the uptake, and many tend to already feel biased towards certain subject which they take out on the story even more. There’s also plenty of readers who truly do not get it through their head what the theme of the story is supposed to be.

    The novel and manhwa are clearly separate now, and you would agree seeing as you stated that the novel was more serious. If people wanted a serious portrayal of the story and wanted to take the entire story seriously, they should’ve made their comments on the novel and read the novel instead.

    It’s clear that the author agreed or even wanted to change how the story is portrayed to be taken less seriously and in a more comedic way. It’s shown how it wasn’t serious because the characters never took anything serious themselves. Disregard the short five seconds where you think they sober up and have a serious breakdown, 5 minutes later they’re happily doing more stupid stuff. That’s how you know the author’s intent was to make it unserious, by not making any consequences or lessons.

    chocobuun October 5, 2024 3:55 am
    I think your mistaken, if this story was serious about the comedic effect, the mc feeling depressed on every fight he had with the father wouldn’t have drawn so seriously. Plus yeonwoo’s reaction after he w... Ur welcome

    The proper audience that it reached are those who never took the story seriously, are calm and not being overwhelmed with rage rn. I’ve seen a handful who are on the same page as I am. THEY got it, because they know the theme of the story.

    The easy way to describe how we feel and how the author was trying to get readers to feel:
    the story being so bad and ridiculous that it’s funny. Those that laugh at the story noticed that every single character is so dumb, that it’s hard to ever take it seriously.

    (An easy example is those that have read Happy Shitty Life. A manga that takes dark topics but turns it into a comedy, which is never meant to be taken seriously).

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions October 5, 2024 5:58 am
    You just wrote the dumbest argument I have ever read in my entire life. You just proved my point LMFAOOO OMFG. Humor is subjective. What you don’t find funny, someone else will find funny. And yes, this does ... chocobuun

    Yea no, that's not how it works, and humor is absolutely not subjective. I'm trying to explain to you with my little english vocabulary what dark humor is.

    Dark humor is not some kind of special language that only The Elites can understand. Dark humor is is just the kind of language that only stuck up people will "REFUSE", and that all thw others will think "lol, i shouldnt be laughing at this".

    Is this happening in this manwha? No.
    The humor just feels out of place.
    Because it is.

    Wether you agree or not doesn't matter, this is not a POV, this is a fact.

    The humor is just here so the story doesn't feel too dark and people it was written for will go "oh my babies I'm so happy i can't wait for the side stories i soooo wanna see the baby omg omg omg"

    The story was taken really seriously by the author themselves (which I'll give you that was
    way more obvious at the end of 1st season and the 2nd season),
    think about how the mc realized that he wasnt the "special alpha" in his universe who wouldnt spare a glance to omegas because he was so in love with his beta boyfriend, but in the end just gave in at the 1st occasion and was aaaaall along actually in love with the pheromones stuck on his beta bf from his omega parent he cheated on him with.
    Think about the depressing background stories of all the characters beside the mc himself.
    Think about the reaction of the omega cheat partner reaction when he realized he was having sex with his son's bf.
    Think about his reaction when he realized he was pregnant.

    It was all softened by the "humor" to make you accept that these pieces of shit ended up together, otherwise there is just no way anyone would accept it.

    And like i said, beside the very audience this book is aimed at, it fucking doesn't work.
    The cockroach in my cappuccino.

    I understand that you want me to be wrong and you want to be the superior one who understands better, but sweety... I'm way past the age, okay? If you liked this and think your explanation justifies everything, be my guest. good for you. But come back to me in 20 years if I'm still alive if you want to present valid arguments, I'll listen. I may not agree but I'll listen.
    But right now, you're just spouting bs.
    This. is. Not. Dark humor.
    This is honey wrapped around a big ass acid shit.

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions October 5, 2024 6:56 am
    The proper audience that it reached are those who never took the story seriously, are calm and not being overwhelmed with rage rn. I’ve seen a handful who are on the same page as I am. THEY got it, because th... chocobuun

    Oh didn't see you had so much to say
    You're the only one raging, spamming and insulting people here just because you're sure you're right on your wrong definition.
    For someone who understands things so well and is so smart compared to us peasants, you seem pretty unstable

    Also the theme of this story is the omegaverse. The whole cheating is just the motif.

    Beginning is the alpha who's different from others but finally not so much
    He cheats not because he's a piece of shit ( though he is), but because of his "alpha instincts"
    He realises that his alpha instincts were involved ever since he met his beta boyfriend, he was never special
    He gets his omega pregnant because it's what omegaverses are about.
    The cheating was just a way to get there.

    they have a baby, fangirls go crazy, the book sells, the author sails.
    And once again, this is what the humor was here for.

    Remove it and they're all pieces of shit, they get there through the worst ways, young people can't get into it, it sinks, the author stinks.

    And finally, none of the characters are dumb. They are malicious and manipulative. They lie and cheat.
    They're never dumb.

    You didn't really understand what you read huh?

    chocobuun October 5, 2024 7:23 am
    Yea no, that's not how it works, and humor is absolutely not subjective. I'm trying to explain to you with my little english vocabulary what dark humor is.Dark humor is not some kind of special language that on... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    Honey you’re are so wrong lmfao. ALL FUCKING HUMOR IS SUBJECTIVE. Do you know English?? Do you know the definition of subjective??????

    It means what some people find funny, will not be funny to others. The proof is literally right here. I thought the story was funny and stupid, you didn’t find it funny. That is called SUBJECTIVE HUMOR. And it is part of dark humor, it’s part of the damn definition that you wrote yourself. You just don’t want to admit it because you’re offended by a fucking fictional story and can’t bear to realize a story you don’t like is part of your beloved dark humor! Omg! Why are you acting like you’re the fucking gatekeeper of dark humor. Is the stories with rape that you enjoy, so precious to you that you need to keep your rape faves separated from a cheating story LOL.

    Anyways, I got all my points across. Half the shit you said was hard to understand. I don’t think English is your first language, cause no first English speaker actually would talk like you. Also idk why you keep talking like you act like you’re a crusty grandma, but that doesn’t help your argument lmfao. I will accept the fact that you just don’t properly understand English and that’s why you’re so confused.
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions October 5, 2024 8:17 am

    Well i am french, and subjective in english is the same as in french.

    I personally dont think that you dont understand, but rather you don't WANT to understand, because you would need to revise all your grandiose affirmations.

    Yes I'm a crusty grandma.
    And no, I'm not gatekeeping anything, i call a cat a cat.

    I dont really get what you meant about rape faves but i do understand that YOU didnt understand what you read, and that you are swiftly avoiding whatever doesnt go your way.
    Just like a kid you talk arrogantly and think that the louder you speak, the righter you are.
    Well, you do you.

    My english is certainly not good, but your neuronal connections aren't any better. Dont worry, it gets worse the older you get.
    I know my topic here heh

    Humor is humor.
    Did i call it something else?
    Nope. Why? Because it is humor .
    What did i say? That it was out of place.
    Not dark or inappropriate or not funny.
    Out. Of. Place.

    Like a cockroach in my coffee.

    There's nothing subjective.
    It ruins the immersion, period.

    You liked it? Good for you.
    I didn't. Too bad.

    Is it better for you if i make very short sentence?

    Also I'm very sorry but you wont shut me up on my own comment by blocking me lol.

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions October 5, 2024 8:18 am

    But I, on the other hand... ^^

    Bananas October 5, 2024 10:10 am
    Well i am french, and subjective in english is the same as in french. I personally dont think that you dont understand, but rather you don't WANT to understand, because you would need to revise all your grandio... Master Of Unpopular Opinions

    Lol! Agree with every point here.
    You go, French grandma!

    Master Of Unpopular Opinions October 5, 2024 2:05 pm
    Lol! Agree with every point here.You go, French grandma! Bananas
