Lololol~ I'm not the one out here getting mad over one person's opinion and calling them slurs and insults just because they criticize a story's writing. Mind you, I don't have a "husbando" () that I'm rooting for and Iike numerous characters, including Isagi, but their writing have been getting worse. Keep malding xoxo

I’m so happy there’s people like you in this comment section. Like your’re saying all of my thoughts about this tournament training arc(?). The constant winnings of BM, not knowing whatever the fuck happen to kunigami (plus him a really contributing anything to the team and still being isagi side piece to help him win), and this latest tournament of rin and shidou not really improving (and not getting a backstory on their training with Loki) are the major flaws I have with this latest arc.
I love how iraguri (if that’s his name) trained in BM just to do a foul and call it a masterpiece skill against “genius”, like wtf lol.
I’m still reading this bc I have my favourite characters that I want to continue seeing but this arc is just predictable at this point.

I’m so happy there’s people like you in this comment section. Like your’re saying all of my thoughts about this tournament training arc(?). The constant winnings of BM, not knowing whatever the fuck happen to kunigami (plus him not really contributing anything to the team and still being isagi side piece to help him win), and this latest tournament of rin and shidou not really improving (and not getting a backstory on their training with Loki) are the major flaws I have with this latest arc.
I love how iraguri (if that’s his name) trained in BM just to do a foul and call it a masterpiece skill against “genius”, like wtf lol.
I’m still reading this bc I have my favourite characters that I want to continue seeing but this arc is just predictable at this point.
Yeah I don’t think I’ll be returning to this shitshow anytime soon. Isagi fans and Kaneshiro just ruined his character for me, BM only keeps winning because of them having more development due to Isagi being in their team. Kaneshiro doesn’t gaf about other characters. What happened to Bachira, Shidou, and Kunigami? Whole bullshit about Kunigami changing Blue Lock while he has barely done shit and barely got the spotlight while Isagi picked up new 275th helper and Kaiser had his cool development.
It honestly feels like Kaneshiro didn’t even know how to handle Rin’s character and just decided with the easy (lazy, and shitty too) way out which is basically making BM play dirty and making Igaguri foul Rin. I know a good portion of blue lock fans (mostly mindless Isagi glazers who skim thru chapters until Isagi does something and only keeps screaming about Isagi and how he’s either an omega twink or giga chad alpha) will dislike my comment solely because I’m actually thinking critically and not just mindlessly rooting for my fav. Early chapters were promising, I liked the way he wrote Isagi and other characters’ development. Now, Isagi is too incredibly far from other characters who aren’t as well developed, he doesn’t know how to handle Rin and his background characters and he seems to be focusing on his incel teenager boy wet dream of a hentai manga.
And before anyone says “Isagi is the mc so he’s the main focus!” I don’t give a rat’s ass. The reason why the writing has gone to shit is because he couldn’t keep a good balance between the development of the MC and bg characters. And before anyone says “You should’ve dropped it if u hated Isagi or the writing that much!” I have other characters I like and had hopes that Kaneshiro could write Blue Lock properly in the way he wrote Nagi and Reo’s break up scene and development in numerous perspectives.