He was doing it out of concern for her, but in the end he did listen to her & let her join the expedition. And now she might be hurt? I think people forget the era this story takes place in. Most women were expected to stay home & manage their husband estate, while bearing heirs for them. He’s a very lenient husband considering the era they’re in. Even in the beginning when she was getting married her nanny/maid told her that if her husband was mean or hits her she had to let it be. Plus they gotta work in their communication, cuz again he thinks she grew up in a catered lifestyle

No, you don't understand it.
It doesn't matter what era they're in. I'm not reading this to get a realistic relationship of that time but to get one I like, right?? Like I'm not reading a story where the husband hits his wife to say "yeah but that was normal so it's okay". This is a fictional story aimed at people from the 21st century.
Also, just because domestic abuse wasn't illegal in many ancient cultures it doesn't mean that every relationship had it. Just like not every husband expected these gender roles.
But if you wanna read realistic medieval whatever relationships, you do you. This isn't it already.
Riftan didn't let maxi join because he listened to her but because the other soldiers listened to her and agreed it was a good idea. He has been a pouting puppy from the beginning, being angry with maxi and acting as if she personally offended him.
And as I've written in my own comment, it's not like he needs to know her past. It has nothing do with anything. There's exactly one thing he has to do and maxi is doing it: listening to what she says. Maxi COMMUNICATED that she doesn't expect luxuries. He played pouting baby instead of being a good supportive husband.
This is the entire problem. Riftan NEVER listens to maxi. She has screamed into his face what she wants and needs and he ignored it because he was stuck in his illusion of her being "a cherished daughter". Sorry but that isn't love. He is forcing a lifestyle on her she doesn't even want. And that's all that matters.
When he doesn't want her to do something he just says it and doesn't talk to her about it, at best screams at her.

totally agree that just cuz a story takes place in a certain era doesn't mean we have to be okay with it. but sometimes people expect so much from these characters that are taking place in a different era. yeah its aimed for us, but its a fantasy historical love story. Their miscommunication is the biggest issue currently in their relationship (other couples might be troupes like arranged marriage, rival to lovers, etc). Obviously if neither of them had any faults there wouldn't be much to this story or their relationship. My point is that although he might have not gone about it the right way, his intentions were pure. Which leaves space in the story for him to improve. Same with Maxi, yes she is getting better at expressing herself but she still learning. I mean he's clearly the main love interest, so sometimes when people are like they should break up or doesn't deserve them, i'm just like then why are you sticking around if they're end game
I honestly don't get the hate that Riftan gets. he clearly loves her & cherishes her. he's just worried about her cuz she is/was physically weak. plus he thinks she was the cherished daughter of a duke that lived a lavish lifestyle where she was cater too. yeah he sucks at communicating but so does she. they both need to work on that