I mean it's more of a pretty obvious thing I think? I've read so many stories like this and it's always the crown prince. The blonde guy who so far is the most interesting ml candidate is someone she knew when he was a child and she clearly does not like him or care for him. The other one we have basically seen nothing of other than that she met him once when she was a kid, which again, sets up a weird dynamic that doesn't seem open to romance. That leaves the crown prince, someone she had a passionate relationship with in her past life (and by passionate I mean in a violent rival/hatred way), and someone who is the same age as her in both lives. He also has had the most screen time and we even get to see into his mind often. I think others have written spoilers that he is the end game but the way the MLs are all presented gives a heavy leaning towards him. We literally know almost nothing about the other two at this point lol
I really love the FL in this, but I am so uninspired by all the MLs. I know the crown prince is end game, but ughh he's not that interesting