Was I the only one slightly pissed off??

Pebbles March 31, 2017 12:38 am

I understand Taemin is in another body. But he kept going on like it was by force for him to live his life as the dead guy. I just don't understand why he doesn't just become his own person. Keep the dead guys identity but go back to being himself. Go to the gym get his stamina back. And why is he so against opening up to Woojin? Like he is the only one he can be his real self with, and its abit sad that his fighting it. Like ask Woojin all the question he wants ask. Get to the bottom of why he left!

BTW: the above refers to mostly previous chapters, I can see that he's starting be himself again

    SH47 March 31, 2017 1:06 am

    I think that he's only pretending to be the dead guy by name only. From the beginning, he's been himself, and only in front of what's-his-face has he tempered down his true identity. He doesn't want Woojin to know who he is, because the dude abandoned him when they were kids, up and left without a 'fare thee well'. I'd be pissed, too, if someone I really cared about picked up and left like that. He doesn't want anything to do with him...or is trying not to have anything to do with him. Fun stuff (*^^*) That's MPO, though XD