need to vent
Looking for a Korean manhwa
Anyone have reccs with similar art to these?
I want to be changed by a story
Long ass non-toxic binge worthy stories reccs
Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but am I the only one who likes the bl t...
(Kind of a cinderella plot I think?)
Only remember the vague storyline:
FL breaks out from some noble's home with I believe two children, where the head of the house is abusive (particularly abusing the two children for their magical abilities I believe). I don't remember FL's connection. Maybe she was a maid or family, idk.
On the run eventually one of the kids gets sick, so they need to settle down in a town and FL needs to find work to cover the costs, gets scammed by AH doctors etc., until she by chance gets help from another noble(definitely higher status than the previous noble)'s doctor and also runs into that dude at her future work place, which was sth. about examining gem stones I believe. So something magic related. It was pretty obvious that that noble was interested in her (maybe he even tried to recruit her?) but I don't remember how the story continued after that.
I also can't remember if this was some kind of regression or transmigration story or not.