In a corner in a busy place? I don't think so.
If he was willing to relocate, does it matter if they take 10 seconds to reach a corner, or 10 minutes to reach a properly private place? The whole way he did not say a word. If it was okay the whole time, why was it suddenly not okay for another 10 minutes, and why is it a good compromise to go to a corner in a busy station?
I think, claiming that nothing will get resolved if they relocate, is just pure bs. If they decided to talk, they can do so in a better place than just a corner.
I'm not trying to attack you, but the bare minimum, after knowingly placing Geon in a highly stressfull situation is not good enough.
Ngl, Suo is being a jerk here. Yes, Geon is hiding something from him, but Suo is well aware of what it is, and it seems like he only wants a confirmation, which is okay. But he is also well aware that Geon is paranoid about gay PDA, and obviously, talking about his gay past in public is a big no-no for him. Whether or not there are only random people passing by, if his first reaction is panicking and asking for a more private setting, then clearly there is not going to be any proper discussion happening. It's not like Geon said no. He simply asked for a different location, yet Suo shut him down with a stupid excuse, and tried to downplay Geon's worry when dude was clearly about to panic. And then he acts shocked that Geon snapped? Get outta here. Not everyone has it so easy, being completely comfortable in their sexuality and not afraid to be public about it.