I LOVED the first half of this, then it kinda went downgraded, both plot and art wise, but...

hereenn September 30, 2024 9:58 pm

I LOVED the first half of this, then it kinda went downgraded, both plot and art wise, but was still very enjoyable and came to a nice end. I was just expecting more bc it started off so strong.

the art… every chapter the seme’s neck was getting thicker and his head smaller, and the uke was getting thinner and paler and his nipples pointier lmao, I could not take them seriously. also his outfits were a bit too reminiscent of my 5 YO nephew for my liking, I get that he’s traumatized, but surely he can be traumatized AND dress like a normal adult? guess not

anyway I wonder if there’s a novel of this? bc I feel like a lot of details were left out
