Why do i love these to but loving twink owen

pinkdragon September 30, 2024 7:19 pm

And pls someone explain this chapter for some reason i got a bit confused i followed the last one rather well and now im s bit confused on this one pls expalun thank u

    Bloody Sagittarius September 30, 2024 7:41 pm

    Owen doesn't go back in time because Nux is still ALIVE, thus making it unclear of what the consequences/repercussions are this time around, because all of the previous attempts of Owen going back in time was only done after the CURRENT timeline Nux is DEAD. So Owen is left with no choices, because repeated actions of rewinding time had cause energy overload/time paradox, which in turn cause a few possible scenarios:

    - Nux existence being erased completely from certain time period, example: like when Owen visited Nux too frequently when he is on Earth at 16 years old, Nux existence at this particular time period straight up disappeared and no one remembers him, like a disconnected in reality

    - The events of the past change completely, meaning that events that should not happen at particular time period started happening and some event that already happened in the past don't happen. Such as Nux looking back at him, this event never happen in the past.

    Considering all this possibilities that going back in time will only cause Nux existence more damage because of energy overload, Main Owen/Asperier doesn't have any choices except to stay in current timeline, making him at last go a little crazy/depressed from being unable to redo things because he himself is unsure of what the consequence is if he try to go back in time when the current Nux is still alive. It is implied that theoretically Nux existence will disappear altogether from all of timelines if he meddle much more with Nux fate because such is the laws of universe/time.

    pinkdragon September 30, 2024 8:32 pm
    Owen doesn't go back in time because Nux is still ALIVE, thus making it unclear of what the consequences/repercussions are this time around, because all of the previous attempts of Owen going back in time was o... Bloody Sagittarius

    Beautifully summed yes i found where i was getting confused thank u!! okay last paragraph that u wrote. I was a bit perplexed when i was reading the manga why nux keeps trying to go back still i get it now that u made if easier to understand but in his mind he still wants to go back and fix his mistake but is holding back right? Well he is were i get a little stumped lets say nux did pass why would he still want to go back if he can erase also the existence of their daughter he clearly went to the extreme in that aspect with the current nux who has not seen his child.maybe im jumping the gun here but i think this portion to me was a bit odd like now i get the story and u did a very good job in summarizing but i think this part didnt make sense to me maybe this just described how out of touch he is getting with his own reality /that he wants to save his family and his love for nux.(excuse the errors typing fast cus im at work lmao)