I like this story but

Kuroitenshi17 September 30, 2024 1:37 pm

The author needs to give me more details why this new guy is so obsessed…… just because someone who used to be under your control has shifted away from you doesn’t mean you have to take things nuclear it’s not that serious <_< I don’t know what exactly is the new guys motives does he just want to top the ML? If something like that ever happens I’ll probably throw my phone against the wall.

NGL it makes me uncomfortable seeing the ML starting to get sucked back in. You lost all that weight got all muscular for the MC why would you ever allow yourself to be tempted with food from someone who is the past but that’s me.

    Mar September 30, 2024 1:55 pm

    I simply think that like in most webtoons with a similar villain, he straight up just has that many screws loose. Every time he doesnt get the reaction out of someone that he wants, he goes full psycho to destroy their life to make them dependant on him (again in this case). He could even well enough abandon him all over again after doing all that. Fucking crazy bastard. He aint even gay, he just whores around with women as far as we've seen. He gets a twisted satisfaction over having gyuwan be obsessed with him the same way a jerk straight guy would get a twisted satisfaction from leading on an 'ugly' weird girl. Fucked up lunatic. Which I'm assuming is why Geon ends up punching him thank goodness. Srsly, who tf ups and leaves the country just because your friend confessed to you and you rejected them, only could happen if you're as rich as them, CRAZY, and felt disgusted toward the situation which would imply he was pretty homophobic. And WHY would he dump his entire life just to go back and recreate the whole thing if he literally moved countries to escape the situation.