there is no novel for this story if the story is completly changed it makes it another story... btw Dv whatver your name is... you can flex"your money " to whoever you want but you only look pathetic lol. other people have jobs and dont use their parents money :). friendly reminder .... you getting butthurt its not a good image and its only proving everyone else to be right !
Bro making assumtioms about people that you dont know and also speaking like a spoiled teen doesnt make you look cool. In the contrary it makes you look so desperate. You want people to believe your bullshit when you have no proof of it, of course no one is gonna belive and of course you are gonna be salty about it ! Oh btw why block me if you cant stop interacting with? Dont you know what block means?
@jojo And i did say "Believe or not" before plus i have tons of screenshots of the novel so before you yap here and kept dick riding this trash wash your stinky mouth first cuz wdym "no one cares" when you're here caring about it sm. LMAO are you that "butthurt" cuz you can't afford it?? How sad. Get a life and go do some salmon runs if you have nothing to do in your meaningless life. Excuses excuses.
GUYS I just read in the comments that this has a novel. And the novel is very different from the Manhwa, the author apparently changed it.
So can anybody tell me in the novel does the fmc end up with this cheater?? Then I’m dropping this. Or does she end up leaving him. Completely. COMPLETELY after revenge ofc. IDC about the Manhwa all I want to know is will she get her revenge and drop this piece of shit