my thoughts are all over the place rn istg.

wofwofbarkbark September 30, 2024 3:33 am

Usually not the type to leave comments, just to read other people’s, but!
Guys, i know we’re all stressed and stuff abt how the story is progressing, yall have to realise the author does in fact write very complexed characters and situations.
I would love for all of you to not take it out on the author first and foremost, as I honestly really love that aspect of the story.
If you only see tropes here (which, one can write a good story while using tropes? what are yall on about? Following that logic every character that uses for example mommy/daddy issues sucks right? it’s absolutely not about how you write it, ofccccc..) that’s probably a you problem!! not being able to analyse situations without comparing them to other stuff, not being able to empathise with the characters or simply read deeper into a story,,,

Now! Jiho has fucked up real good atp but you guys have to put yourself in both of the characters situations. I’m pretty sure up until now he thought he understood Inwoo’s situation, so helping him the way he thought was the best way isn’t him being selfish AT ALL. He wanted to help him, truly.
The feeling of pity is very much a human thing to feel, but it’s also a multiple faceted thing to say: one thing is feeling it, one thing is saying it.
He cares about his bf a lot, it shows. Again, shitty way to show it if i’m being honest but i genuinely think he isn’t doing it with ANY malicious intentions.

So yes, he’s 100% wrong on HOW he did it, but since Inwoo was just letting himself go, not allowing himself to get any form of therapy whatsoever, Jiho felt like he had to do something, which is reasonable. Again, definitely not good what he did!!! But he would have been probably as much in the wrong if he just, let Inwoo slowly die without doing anything at all.

Tbh they both have clear issues with communication. please, someone ANYONE teach them how to do it
