For reals. Like he has a reason to be a jerk. People make mistakes. Even a duke make mistakes. And now he's fixing it and even listening to the witch. I don't see the issue here. He worked hard for his siblings. And yes she's not a pushover. Girl just trying to find her place in life. Imagine living alone and trying to scrap all the love and attention you can get. That's what you'll become.

imo, the duke and the people's actions do makes sense but it's stupid writing to only include or be specific that mc is the only witch around cause that is so obvious that author tryna make her look so pure and innocent that she doesn't deserve the bad rumors cause since author already taken Hansel & Gretel inspired story then they should commit to it like at least give enough background coverage about witches, the kid and especially their world cause I see many readers probably didn't know enough about H&G, witches and alike. It's so funny when authors mix complicated story into one like are you making a Frankenstein story? stitching different plots and themes together from another lol you gotta be skilled enough to actually make sense.
Not bad tho, it's like reading 7+ y/o story book
if i were the duke i wouldn’t trust a witch known to be mean, with siblings i love like??? he’s trash for a reason, they’ll get to know her and understand so calm down it’s only the beginning
and i wouldn’t call her a pushover either
she’s just fucking lonely guys