I'm here for the drama and crazy cat-curse lore but the plot has holes and is going at one...

somnia September 30, 2024 1:05 am

I'm here for the drama and crazy cat-curse lore but the plot has holes and is going at one heck of a speed.
The evil af countess already knows what the white-haired maid looks like. They met face-to-face, but somehow the hoe can't tell the difference between her and FL. I get that they're mother and daughter, but it's not like they're twins. If person A and person B look different, perhaps use that smooth pebble of a brain and consider that they're different people? She doesn't even consider that it could be a disguise, just defaults to "its the maid" bc of the hair.

I also do not appreciate the lack of context regarding why and how exactly FL and that priest descendant "work". Like wdym you had to bite him but now your human form is like remote controlled by his consciousness or whatever??? Stomp on those brakes and explain maybe?

There are also, also very awkward cut-offs, I believe the panels and/or chapters got messed up at around chapter 25, I don't remember exactly where but it cut from one evening to the masquerade ball. The narrative jumps so quickly from one thing to the next so at first I thought it's supposed to be like that, but no way.

There's more for sure but ngl, I lowkey indulged in the story a bit.
