Here’s another dream I had cause they’re super interesting for some reason It was a ...

Gummy_bear September 29, 2024 3:27 pm

Here’s another dream I had cause they’re super interesting for some reason

It was a sunny day out, and a scientist that studied space and weather was out on the balcony with his colleague(the guy is white, he kind of reminds you of Conner from Detroit Becomes Human but older, and let’s just call the colleague Marissa, she’s black with straightened puffy hair, middle aged), and they where using a new glass telescope that he invented to look at the clouds(not the sun!!!), all of a sudden, there was these white bird looking things that floated down from the sky, there where millions of them all over, and with closer inspection, they looked to be made of A paper like substance. One of them fell down and cut Marissa, they were really sharp, so it was a deep cut, but she wasn’t bleeding. Both of them researched the cut, but ended up not finding anything too interesting and left it alone.

The fenominon of the “white paper birds” was all over the news, from every new station all over the world. These “birds” fell everywhere, no part of the earth was left out, and the people who got cut where all reported to have the same thing happen, a deep cut with no blood.

Back in conners town where he lived, he started to notice a change in Marissa, and a change in all the other people who got cut, about a week after they got cuts. They all started to seem a little spacey, unable to focus well, and seemed to not want to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. About two weeks after the cut, the problems started.

The news started to report teenagers who got cut to be obsessed with partying, and party clothes. “All they wanted to do was dance, dance, dance, and eat part food like pizza(idk what party food would be so I’m only gonna list pizza)”. They also said to watch out, cause “in any places where these teenagers aren’t supplied with the food, music, and clothes they want, they will lash out on you, clawing at your face and bitting off parts of your body screaming, “LET ME PARTY”, and they just repeat the word “PARTY” over and over until you’re dead”. Then they started talking about the olde people, “Adults for some reason can differ from children, depending on what their life is like. The rich where for some reason obsessed with eating their money, they would scream for more and more money, and once they’ve eaten it all, they would rip you open to check if there’s any money inside of you, and since there most likely isn’t, they’d run away to find their next victim to rip open while screaming, “MONEY MONEY MONEY” over and over.” After that, they finally started talking about children under twelve. “Younger children, about twelve and under, have been reported to curl up in a fetal position, and seem to go into a death like state. Some speculate that this is because they’re very close to the beginning of life then the end, and they’re mimicking how it was in their mother’s womb.”

“It’s been six months, not even a year after these fucking birds came down and the worlds already gone to shit… these zombie like motherfuckers are all around us, and I’ve been seeing these huge slimy egg like things everywhere, and it looks like something’s inside? Praying that they’re nothing, but god knows that’s not how life is anymore, you’re constantly fighting for you life, and things u expectedly try to kill you every day… even people. Anyways, I have a group to look after now, and some people that I really….. *sigh*, it doesn’t matter, I just have to focus on the task at hand, finding food before we all starve. I hope I make it back to them alive.” #2

I added the last part cause it’s more interesting than just reading in third person lol. Anyways, I had another zombie dream for some reason?????? Idk why. Well it was super interesting. I also had another dream, but this one’s already super long and I don’t feel like writing anything else down.
