If anyone shows sympathy to Trashta, GTFO. She deserves everything. She's an expert at pla...

I swear I was normal September 29, 2024 12:08 pm

If anyone shows sympathy to Trashta, GTFO. She deserves everything. She's an expert at playing the victim card. She murdered people, destroyed lives and still speaks in 1st person. She bought it upon herself.

    canonMT September 29, 2024 2:12 pm

    LMAOOO "still speaks in 1st person" had me dead

    Laurel September 29, 2024 5:18 pm

    She saw the people that helping her got sentenced to death and her reaction is literally "ugh why are they embarrasing me with these confession!!"

    TwistedCupid September 29, 2024 5:20 pm

    I'd be careful if I was you... TRUCK-KUN might just pop up and say hello and next thing you know, you're waking up in a forest in a bear trap with white hair... just saying... we've all read stories about the protagonist hating a character and then WHAM...

    TwistedCupid September 29, 2024 5:21 pm

    Yes how dare a slave girl who's been sold and abused since she was 10 years old, I think that she could be anything other than a slave? People should stay in their class. They shouldn't try to escape. In fact maybe that should be a system in all Empires and kingdoms and countries were people who have committed crimes, their children are punished with slavery. And then they should also keep their head down and never aspire to have their own freedoms or aspirations and to feel guilty for having bad parents.