There's still a taste of dissatisfaction

Charlotte4869 September 29, 2024 4:47 am

If there's something I'm not satisfied with is that trial with the count(the guy who kept blackmailing rashta) I've been an avid reader of this story for years and I really hate him more than rashta. You see, this guy is the source of evil. This guy tormented Rashta from the very beginning while she's still innocent and until the end, she put false charges on her. It's like he succeeded after all he has done because he got to drag rashta along with him. Rashta is also to be blamed though. She refused the kindness that was given to her and at some point, abused it. And Sovieshu trash after all he has done, will still live as the emperor. I don't care i he suffered but that's not enough of a consequence for his actions. He's a man and he is rich so I guess he'll get away with it, he'll just be know in history books as the emperor who was fooled(a victim in short) and Rashta be known as the vile woman eventhough between the two of them, he is the more powerful one and more than of a bad guy than rashta. Somehow, I'm looking forward to the alt universe story where Navier was the one to meet Rashta first because I know, it'll be a lot more different (but if Rashta choose to betray Navier in this alt univ, then she can't blame anyone but herself)

    Me. September 29, 2024 3:31 pm

    I don't know anything about an alt universe story but if it makes you feel better

    Spoiler below

    sovieshu feels so tortured about his decision to divorce navier he jumps out a window... He survives though and ends up with a slit personality amnesia thing going on.