I think the same. I read novel. And no matter how much I hate past ido, the ido in the second life is really someone I really like. The way he tries to amend himself.
After like 30-40 chapters after the pair bond, and sejin remembers his first life. And the couple ( more like sejin) decides to leave ido, you will see how much ido was hurting.
And you see first life ido also started liking sejin, that's why when sejin stole the info, ido was hurt as well
And in second life, ido made resolve to leave sejin leave if he wanted but this dude , this man ends up crying his eyes out when sejin says I love you to him.
People give so much shit to my man ido but fail to see all the things he is doing to amend himself.
And in the first life ido simply married sejin because his father approached him with marrige contract. And he simply wanted to avoid all the marrige proposal he was getting. He also though he will take over sejin's father company if possible.
He was going with the assumption that sejin was trying to have childe with him when he went in to heat cause he never knew about sejin's heat issue. And you can see there relationship getting better as they progress. And at one point I feel that they fell in love as well.
I remember reading in novel how much second guessing sejin did and when he finally steals the paper, how much he regrets it, specially when ido knows the truth that sejin did it.
Nothing anyone does make them deserving of rape but I am just trying to put perspective here.
And the last line is this story is much more better then other bl i have read when ml rapes the mc for so many time and people cheer them on.
I am looking at you passion, low tides , roses and throne and many other

R u sure? They said ' Taeju & Yahwi'
Maybe they mention 2 Semes from different manhwa.
Anyway, while Taeju was a jerk and asshole, he has satisfying redemption arc. He didn't chase just because the Uke run away, he erased himself for redemption. Taeju literally views himself to be dirty and a monster for Eiuhyun. The dude has multiple breakdown everytime he realize how bad he treated Eiuhyun. How can Taeju fall for the category of easy way for Seme having good ending with little redemption like just regretting and apologizing. The dude can't even beg for mercy as he thinks he is undeserving and a low life. He plan to erase his existence so Eiuhyun won't be hurt and protect Eiuhyun from afar. I can't accept for Taeju listed in that low category ( ̄へ ̄)

You can find how Ido was hurting and trying hard to fix his mistake, how can you be blind for Taeju from Low Tides. The dude hasn't have it easy. He literally view himself as low as a dirt. While Ido can still wish to be together with Sejin, Taeju can't wish for that. He view himself as the abuser, therefore he has no privilege to have Eiuhyun for his life. He plans to protect Eiuhyun from afar quietly.
Despite understanding how destructive he is to their own partner, Ido can still wish for mercy and a chance to be together. But Taeju can't even imagine that. He despised himself that he alone disgusted to himself. Please don't be selective.

no bc this is so real! no matter how much you claim it's self serving... at the end of the day he's still trying to correct his mistakes. like what was he supposed to do given he's already back from the past and presumably regretting his toxic behaviors?? run away??? like what?? tell mc he was an ahole and he's being kind and generous to feel better abt himself?? why would he do that he feels bad and he's trying to be a better person. he probably still feels bad doing all these kind and affectionate stuff knowing he hurt mc too :/ he probably feels like a fraud lol

If you read the novel you wouldn't be saying that
And if I say my own opinion about Taeju, him leaving him midway like that did not feel like what you're describing here. To me at least. He left him when he learnt that he lost his child. He knows damn well it wasn't his fault there. When his omega needed him the most he pulled the sob story of omg I'm so bad for you I will leave. It didn't feel effective in anyway. Also he never really addressed the rapes of the 1st chapters. Like I think they did but it was very careless. If it was a proper apology with the omega telling him how he didn't like it, it would've been great.
While here in the novel (spoilers ahead) everything was properly addressed without any form of suger coating. Sejin not forgive him so easily just cuz he is so good in this life. Ido knew he deserved it. He knew he didn't deserve him when he did that. When they got together it felt refreshing cuz all of their issues were actually very properly sorted out.
So me personally, I have enough reasons to be selective.

Can't believe this. What r u doing when reading that manhwa (Low Tide) ??? It was so clear why he leaves, and that IS NOT because he wanna run away from the responsibility, but solely because he thought he can only make Euihyun miserable so he need to remove himself. Don't you see that in the moment Euihyun might danger himself, he'll run to him?? He didn't went to hiding because he can't accept the fact he abuse Euihyun, he is doing it because he despise himself and try to remove the source of Euihyun misery, that is himself. Wdym he didn't properly asking for apology??? The dude literally having a mental breakdown, through tears and snot, with breathing difficulty saying he's not even deserving to ask for apology, but still saying it and told Eiuhyun he didn't to accept as he know he was undeserving.
While I didn't really have problem with Ido's redemption, Ido still can bring himself to Sejin's life so he'll make it right for Sejin while still present in Sejin's life, while Taeju thought of himself as low a dirt and undeserving for Eiuhyun so he chose to make it right for Euihyun in hiding like a shadow afraid his darkness will tarnish the sun.This level of self hatred is so much different.

...Gurl I'm saying this after reading both works entirely.
Ido was trash in past. Afterwards he legit committed suicide after he understood how bad he fucked up. Also he stayed with him but you are so wrong to think he wasn't being agonised everyday when he was beside him. If he helped him from shadow it would not be as painful as being beside him. All his pov is him feeling like he doesn't deserve anything. He stayed with him as a punishment and also because he could not bring himself to be away from him. Not until Sejin started getting his memories and hated him like he should, in Ido's opinion. He was ready to DIE AGAIN without telling him after Sejin was stable without him in his life. Cuz he did not want his sympathy or anything. He just knew he didn't deserve anything from Sejin. Nothing can top his dedication in their type of redemption storyline for me.
For low tide, I hated to whole Eiuhyun (thnx for telling the name I forgot) legit drugging him and forcing him to make baby with him like??? AND the fact that he didn't even like idk make him mop for a few chapters. Is rape and debt trapping something that unserious to sort out??? Just crying and blaming yourself and it's forgiven? Ig to the author not me. Maybe just MAYBE if the author took this part of them sorting out seriously I would've loved this story. The way this couple is portrayed is so unlikable to me that I can't defend them even if I try pulling out facts. But the baby is cute so I will read the side stories. Oh and his lil bro is very cute toooo.
At the end of the day you can have your own opinion on both couples while I have mine. Sorry for the long ass rant I was just too bored lol.

You're wrong about Taeju isn't sorting out rape & debt trapping. It was so clear Taeju trying to make it up for Eihyun and taking the debt to his own account. He didn't just groveling, crying, breaking down by regret and doing nothing. He stayed with Eiuhyun to protect and taking care of him. He try to give everything he has to Eiuhyun which ofc just become a burden to Eiuhyun so he didn't force that. He stuck someone's throat with a fuckin pen when that guy talking bad about Eiuhyun. He throw himself in a mob just to search for Eiuhyun, he didn't care anymore about his own safety. When he found out Eiuhyun was miscarriage, he can't stand his own self anymore therefore he chose to removed himself from Eiuhyun's life as he believe he can only caused Eiuhyun so much misery. He wento to hiding, but still protect Eiuhyun. He run into Eiuhyun when he's drunk and afraid Eiuhyun might hurt himself. Taeju didn't just leave, he keep protecting Eiuhyun. Taeju's redemption isn't short as he literally walk in an eggshell around Eiuhyun and easily having breakingdwon with the thought Eiuhyun may anytime kill himself. His mental torment has long there after the incident of Eiuhyun's lil bro got taken away with the birth father. He's starting to realize how bad Eiuhyun's life is. Though I don't understand how you miss all of this, it's true we can have our own opinion.
I love how Eiuhyun isn't damsel in distress that need to be helped each time. The dude is strong despite all the bad things life has given him. Him forgiving Taeju isn't a simple matter because Taeju is repenting, but he witness how Taeju try hard to atone for his sin. Pheromones might having the hand of Eiuhyun's attachment as they're bonded, but surely that is not the majority of reason why Eiuhyun decide to forgive Taeju. Euihyun saw what Taeju did, his breaking down, heavy is the regret, trying hard to pay for his sins.
So Eiuhyun didn't need to waste time for him and Taeju to be together. He accept Taeju for what he is and hoping for future with him. There he is breaking Taeju's idea of protecting him from afar and tricking him because just communication can't make them be together.
I can't help for blabbaring this much ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

You can say what you want what you want but no one can gaslight me into liking them I'm sorry. You can like them as much as you want but I can't bring myself to. I gave my reasons. My own standard for punishment for rape/SA is very high in BLs. Which most BLs out here do not meet. But I treasure the few ones that do meet.

Well the thing is, your standard is kinds like Ido. He's indeed better than mostly praised red flag Semes, but surely he's not any better than Taeju. So instead of having 'standard', It is more like having selective favorite.
I never try to make you like Taeju, tho ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I'm giving my points and opinions of how misleading you're. You didn't like Taeju is not my problem, but misleading him while praising Ido when they're not that different, is just rub me in a wrong way. Can't help it.

"They're not that different" you will be misleading people with that statement. It sounds like their circumstances and everything are extremely similar. If you're saying that, you didn't read the novel bro. I gave all of my reasons from the novel why I think he is better. If liking him more cuz of various valid reason makes me selective ok I am selective.
But you surely can't deny that you are also being very selective here right?
People yapping about ido's past action while he's trying to correct himself would be the same person cheering sejin if it'd have been a typical plot where sejin runs away and ido chases him with a trashy personality and never rectify his own mistake and get a happy ever after. Ik I'm gonna recieve hate for this but it makes me feel so weird... ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍