unpopular opinion

Anonymous September 28, 2024 3:29 pm

I don't really like the fl, I stayed until ch 29, I think I'll keep reading and I hope it gets better..

Fl just isn't giving me the 'vibe'...
on a third person's perspective, I'd say she's pretentious, the only reason the readers think otherwise is because we can read her perspective which seems innocent. But on a 3rd person's pov, she has bad reputation, then suddenly got merciful one day, and she likes getting close to the holy knight commander, even sneaking on his room in the middle of the night..

But that's not really the reason why I dislike her.. it's because I don't like the way that she always compare herself to the og owner of the body she is in. She kept on judging and comparing "why would the og Evelina did the things she did and y'know, act like a villain when she has it all" is basically what she's saying. Like, she would compare how "miserable" her life before the transmigration happens than Evelina's life, and is basically telling her why is she complaining, why is she so ungrateful, she doesn't have the right to have problems and shit because she has the perfect life; fame, money, beauty, etc.. I dunno, maybe I processed her thoughts wrong, maybe she's asking curiously and wants to understand og Evelina and her wrongdoings.. but seriously, does she really? I think she does but not to understand Evelina and what she has possibly gone through but to understand how to control Evelina's body without getting suspicions from the people around her that she isn't the real Evelina, so she could survive.. It's understandable, but stillllll, something about her is getting on my nerves.. to the point that I'd type a whole ass essay to convey my thoughts and even go as far as post it

    yahwi_hart September 29, 2024 1:36 am

    Hahaha I think MC's true colors are starting to show now that she also experienced how Evelina lost her powers. But I think that actually adds more dynamic to her character. Like how she's not completely good, but not completely bad either.

    Anonymous September 29, 2024 4:14 am

    yeahhh, I guess you're right, though, I'd like it if she's more true to her intensions rather than viewing herself pitiable