Same. The author has created a lot of powerful scenes and this is one of them. ‘Why did you choose me this time’. The good news is that Ines and Carcel have many powerful scenes from now until the end of the novel. The manhwa artist was originally a fan and did this artwork depicting one of the most poignant moments of their love story.

Unfortunately, there aren’t any. Author doesn’t focus on aftermath when either Carcel or Ines leaves the world. She’s only interested in telling Ines and Carcel’s story when they’re alive and together since they’re co-protagonists. Ines does learn a few things but it’s through another person’s eyes and it was mostly to do with the crown princess’s timeline aftermath. It’s probably told because it’s connected to Carcel and Luciano and their actions.
I honestly expected him to remember only when he met with the painter husband, but I’m so excited. I really hope they show the previous lives from his pov. To see his emotions and his feelings in (the both past lives). I don’t think the author will reveal the third life till later