
chocobuun September 28, 2024 11:02 am

So I just finished and imma be honest and say I thought all the side couples were cuter than the main couple. Don’t get me wrong though, I don’t dislike the main couple, I just found the side couples significantly more interesting than the main.

Anyways it’s funny that the side stories focus on marceau and Catherine despite having so little screen time in the story. Usually when side couples get their moment, they have more screen time in the main story for readers to look forward to their separate full story.
I do wish we got to see more about the queen and her lover, since there’s scraps only within the main story about them lol. But I guess maybe they do have a child, despite saying they wouldn’t, based on chapter 110 side story 15. The ending scene shows hints/glimpses of the kids in the future and it looks like one of them is in front of muriel. Who has blonde hair like the queen’s and the same skin tone as the queen’s lover. Honestly the hints about the future of the kids are so interesting because the main couple’s daughter is said to be EVEN more legendary, and also empress regent? Idk know how that happened with the existing royal family.

But honestly I could be wrong as well since I forgot about Prince Albert and his fiancée, maybe that kid with a crown was his child instead? Though that would be a long time for the kid to have grown.
I enjoyed the story but I’ll say it’s obviously isn’t the greatest when it comes to writing. Especially when it came to jacob’s character. I can see why ppl would feel bad for him due to his psycho mother. Though it always bothers me whenever an author writes a character to be obsessively in love with the mc, and doesn’t show any good reason for it to start. Like I’m supposed to believe those tiny af interactions that could’ve happened with any other woman, made him be obsessed specifically with the mc?? I would believe it if it was something that left a huge impact or grew over the span of years. Like idk saving his life, helping him, speaking to him kindly unlike others do, etc. Not just rejection and disinterest. I couldn’t tell what the author wanted Jacob to be, someone who’s simply insane or someone who has a warped mindset but actually fell in love. Some similar examples where I think authors didn’t write or put much detail on how love interests got insanely obsessed is: Kill the villainess, Smyrna and Capri.

In Kill the Villainess they made 3 love interests go from hate to absolute obsessive love with extremely little screen time and every interaction was pure dislike from the FL. I couldn’t believe that any of them would be obsessed by the FL’s change or influence. Ppl replied to me about this saying it’s to show that they just are really crazy. But that reasoning isn’t enough for me.

In Smyrna and Capri, they’re told that a guy is obsessively in love with the mc. But never shows why or any scene to how it started. To the end his character personality was “be obsessed” and that’s it.
